There are no changes in the exam schedule, KTU reduces the wrong information campaign – News2IN

There are no changes in the exam schedule, KTU reduces the wrong information campaign

There are no changes in the exam schedule, KTU reduces the wrong information campaign
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: APJ Technology University APJ Abdul Kalam has urged all students to be aware of coordinated efforts to disseminate the wrong information among students about the ongoing exam.
“While offline examinations are being carried out smoothly at other universities in Kerala, especially at the University of Health, efforts are made to disrupt and boycott the test only at the University of Technology.
Technology universities have decided to carry out offline checks as part of the general strategy adopted by all universities In Kerala in accordance with the decision to arrive at the meeting of the representative of the National Education Deputy held by the Ministers of Higher Education.
Unfortunately, efforts to attack the Technology University examination system ”, said the university in a statement here on Wednesday.
The exam has been rescheduled to ensure that the class is completed and that adequate study time is provided.
There is also a special “Middle Change” system for students to appear for tests in college closest to their homes.
In addition, the state government has issued orders that prioritize Covid-19 immunization for students at the University of Technology.
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Examination of 100 marks reduced to 70 signs and the duration of the examination reduced from three hours to two and a half hours.
To pass the exam, students only need 28 signs, not 40 marks.
Students who cannot appear for exams because Covid-19 or related issues will be offered a special exam opportunity, and this examination will be considered as their first opportunity.
The campaign, on the other hand, is intended for slandering this student-friendly test.
Until the online procracy online inspection system was introduced to facilitate online checks on as many as one lakh student from various semesters, universities can conduct examinations in offline mode only.
The university has also been given permission to conduct an offline exam by the Kerala High Court.
Similar offline methodologies have been adopted by leading technical universities in India, including Visvesvaraya, Technology University of Jawaharlal Nehru, and Cusat in Kerala, said Deputy Chancellor of the University of Majasree.
“Every decision to postpone the exam will result in logging Against this anti-exam campaign and writing exams without fail “, said Chancellor’s representative.

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