There are no decisions about restrictions with the cabinet or cm until now: Wadettiwar – News2IN

There are no decisions about restrictions with the cabinet or cm until now: Wadettiwar

There are no decisions about restrictions with the cabinet or cm until now: Wadettiwar
Written by news2in

Nagpur: The day after the Cabinet Minister and Guardian Minister Nitin Nitin Raut said Covid Curbs will be rediscovered in this district due to the increasing case, the minister of other cabinet said there was no decision about the increase in restrictions had been taken at this time.
Health Minister Rajesh Tope said Minister Guardian Nagpur might have made a statement after reviewing the situation, but there was no proposal to increase restrictions in the current state.
“We keep close closures to learn where cases are increasing, how much and the reason behind the surge.
Also, the final decision will be taken by cm,” Tope said.
He also said it was decided before that restrictions would return after oxygen consumption across 700mt.
The Minister of Relief and Rehabilitation Vijay Wadettiwar also said in Nagpur on Tuesday ‘No decisions made, both discussions were carried out at the cabinet level’ regarding locking.
“Until now, there were no plans to uphold the hardest sidewalks in Maharashtra, which included Nagpur.
The patient’s number increased in Mumbai and Pune.
In Nagpur, the new cases began to increase.
We really monitor the situation in front of the festival season,” Minister of Internal Affairs said the interaction with the media.
He added that the Guardian Minister had stated that the possibility of putting a limitation because the third wave had reached the doorway.
Wadettiwar said whatever decision would only be taken by the Cabinet and the Chairman of the Minister of Uddhav Thackeray, after consulting with the Covid-19 state task force.
“The third wave is certainty, according to experts, and can enter our home if we do not follow the Covid protocol like mandatory masks and keep a distance.
I do not know whether the expression discusses this problem with CM before making an announcement, but it will most likely happen, “He said.
Clarifying that if restrictions are enforced, it will not be limited to Nagpur but will be throughout Maharashtra, Brahmapuri MLA insists that citizens need to take precautions.
“If people fail to work together, and Covid cases multiply, there will be no other choice but to restore the sidewalk, as stated by the expression.” In preparation for the third wave, Wadettiwar said the government had made adequate supply and oxygen beds in all districts.
“Unlike the second wave, where all countries, including Maharashtra, are arrested unconsciously, we have made additional preparations given the 15-20% increase in patients,” he said.
About the possibility of the festival season is affected because the declaration is on restrictions, the minister says people need to be realized because this disease spread rapidly in the crowd.
“If the festival is not permitted, citizens begin to blame the government.
Therefore, they need to celebrate with precautions and avoid crowding,” he said.
In the problem of OBC reservation, Wadettiwar said all parties – Congress, BJP, NCP, Shiv Sena and others – not haphazard that the seat for the community must be provided.
“We do not want to end the OBC reservation, which is zero now after the Supreme Court’s decision.
We collected empirical data to restore it.
The first step in this direction was taken after all parties reached the consensus not to allow local agency polls until the OBC seat was restored,” he said.

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