There is no place for any more reason, new guidelines will save millions of lives: Neira – News2IN

There is no place for any more reason, new guidelines will save millions of lives: Neira

There is no place for any more reason, new guidelines will save millions of lives: Neira
Written by news2in

Nagpur: On World Day Gets a new air quality guide from the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr.
Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health AT WHO, speaks exclusively with TOI about what the guidelines are very polluted with India and much more.
Quotes: Q.
How important is it to polluted and developing countries like India to comply with revised guidelines, especially when urbanization and development are fast at its peak? A.
We are aware that many developing countries like India are undergoing rapid urbanization.
But this cannot be a reason to sting the responsibility of limiting air pollution and global warming.
New guidelines are based on strong scientific evidence and include recommendations not only to improve air quality but also on the most useful intervention.
There is no reason why we cannot change the urbanization model.
This can be done strategically by recognizing the main sources of air pollution, implementing a sustainable public transportation system, switching to a cleaner energy source.
It will be healthy not only for the environment but also for the country’s economy.
What makes who revised the safe limit of air quality, especially after a 15-year long gap? A.
Well, given the accumulation of scientific evidence, we decided it was time to review the standard and produce new recommendations and best practices.
We constantly review evidence that shows how air pollution affects various health aspects.
Is the previous guidelines about who sincerely followed by the world? How serious is this standard taken? A.
It is true that the previous guidelines were not consistently followed by all nations.
They have been implemented differently depending on regions throughout the world.
But what is clear is that, unfortunately, we still have a dramatic figure of around 7 million deaths every year because of air pollution.
This clearly means we have many things to save lives.
What is your message for the government? A.
It is an opportunity for politicians and the government to imagine and increase ambitions, because they show residents how ambitious they are to save the lives of their people.
There is no place for any other reason because we have a lot of scientific evidence.
We are now facing a terrible environmental disaster, facing the climate crisis as before, and we know that if we overcome the causes of air pollution, we will also have benefits, in not only public health but also reduce climate change, improve the economy, and agriculture.
Which is the most vulnerable area when it comes to poisonous air? Do all countries need new guidelines? A.
While the most affected areas because air pollution is Southeast Asia, Africa, Pacific and Latin America, new guidelines are aimed at every country around the world.
It’s time for every country, both developed or developed, to take true responsibility for air pollution curbing.
They must do it because they protect public health and to fight a terrible climate change crisis.
The new guideline does not have a legal mandate to enforce but we really hope that countries will recognize how many lives can be saved if you apply this recommendation.
Residents also need to contribute by putting pressure on their government to accelerate the action to combat air pollution.

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