There is no proof of RS 13.5Cr paid to Bhujbal – News2IN

There is no proof of RS 13.5Cr paid to Bhujbal

There is no proof of RS 13.5Cr paid to Bhujbal
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Drive the developer, architect and two “sleep partners” from the development company accused of the case of Maharashtra Sadan, the court said the facts and evidence clearly showed that the developer MS KS Chamankar the company did not conduct irregularities in transactions.
The court said there were no improper benefits given to developers in the contract.
Four members of the Chamankar family – Krushna Chamankar partner, his brother, architect Prasanna Chamankar and the other two who concluded the court were sleeping partners in the company, Pravina Chamankar and Praneeta Chamankar – repatriated on July 31.
The court said it was at first.
, There was no evidence that Rs 13.5 Crore was paid by the developer himself to the cabinet minister Chaggan Bhujbal and the son of the NCP leader, nephew, and staff and members of their family, who were accused of in this case.
“It also seems to be an undue advantage of RS 13.5 Crores achieved to accuse No.
1 (Chaggan Bhujbal) and 12 to 17 (Pankaj Bhujbal, Sameer Bhujbal, Teenver Shaikh, Iram Shaikh and Sanjay Joshi),” said the court.
The court said as far as sending the money was worried, developers could not be responsible “because there were no illegal actions or while carrying out legal action, illegal methods were adopted, which was the basic and essential requirements of the criminal conspiracy.” “What is the number of Rs.
13.5 Crores received by the defendant No.
1 and 12 to 17 corruption or improper profits or not, is a matter of fact, which can be determined based on relevant material,” he said.
This case concerns the NCP leader’s contract which allegedly gave K Chamankar Enterprises in 2005 without inviting a tender when he was the Minister of PWD.
Builder got the rights to develop slums on the land of RTO in Andher, provided that Maharashtra Sadan in Delhi, RTO building in Andheri and a guest house in Malabar Hill was built in return.
The company is said to have signed an agreement with other companies for work and after it sold RTO land development rights to construction companies.
Bhujbal was accused of receiving kickback and ordered under the prevention of corruption laws.
Allegedly that as a result of contracts, improper profits are obtained by developers and losses caused by the state government.
The court in his order denied payment of Maharashtra Sadan furniture, Delhi was made for a company without negotiating by the developer and thus a kick around RS 6.03 Inti was given to Chhagan Bhujbal.
“There are no documents about the records that show that without placing furniture in Maharashtra Sadan, payment has been carried out on the M / A infrastructure from PVT Ltd and said the payment was achieved to accuse No.
1 (Bhujbal) as a kickback,” said the court), “said the court) .
He said mere making payments to the company for furniture work without negotiations did not lead to concluded that the kickback was paid.
The court rejected allegations by intentional prosecution, the construction costs of Maharashtra Sadan and RTO build and others have increased to show fewer profits for developers.

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