There is no taker for Paid Vax: HOSPS PVT asks NMC to buy their shares for use in the free center – News2IN

There is no taker for Paid Vax: HOSPS PVT asks NMC to buy their shares for use in the free center

There is no taker for Paid Vax: HOSPS PVT asks NMC to buy their shares for use in the free center
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Although the number of city private hospitals joining the Covid vaccination program has increased to 25, with the three vaccines available, the drive seems to suddenly lose steam in paid centers.
Contrary to this, vaccination runs at a fast speed in more than 150 government centers in the city.
In the past few days, the total achievements of 25 private centers are around 400, which are almost the same as what only one or two private private reports some time back.
Build with a good response and enthusiasm of citizens, more private hospitals join the drive and order many doses.
Left with a large dose stock now, a private hospital says the Civic body must buy this dose to avoid waste and make sure the drive doesn’t stop.
The main objective, they said, is to reach total vaccination.
Last month, Pune Municipal Corporation has purchased a dose of surplus from a private hospital to keep traveling running when supply from the government failed “the government supplies sufficient dose.
We have asked to increase our quota to plan sessions even better,” he said.
Civil heads added that more than 11 lakh the first dose had been given in the city.
“About 18 lakh is a qualified population.
Rest can be those who are still hesitant, working outside, or may have been tested positively.
We are in a good position now.
We aim to reach at least 17 lakh,” he said they would Delivering them at RS150 plus the cost of vaccines as determined by the government, to help vaccinate the maximum Indian people before the 3rd wave is anticipated.
“Unfortunately, it seems like people are not ready to pay subsidized charges.
In addition, NMC has problems ensuring consistent supply to deal with extraordinary crowds for free vaccination in their centers.
In such a scenario, the NMC ideally must approach all private centers.
, which is flat with a vaccine, and gives them the option to reduce their vaccine stock to them at the purchase price, “said Dr.
This will be a win – win the situation for all because it will become a big injustice and national losses if the noble vaccine only has a save age of 9 months available in private centers ending.
It must be used wisely for citizens in need at NMC centers.
“VA amplifiers suggest that NMC can even pay vaccines according to the level of purchase to private hospitals and residents can be asked to pay only RS150 as vaccination costs for all private cigarettes.” This will add to the list of NMC vaccination centers and provide a big boost to the drive because of a lot which will be ready to pay RS150 than RS780.
This system was successfully followed during the phase 2 drive vaccination.
“Boxvaccination in CityTotal | Center 15.96Lakhgovt | 14.83Lekhprivate | 1.12Lakhvaccination All Nagpur DistrictTotal | 28.70 Dosage Lakhfirst | 21.11 Lakhsecond Dosage | 7.59Lakhmonday data for CityGovt | 11,315PVT | 737.

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