There is no VIP Break Darshan in Tirumala from 13 to 15 Nov – News2IN
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There is no VIP Break Darshan in Tirumala from 13 to 15 Nov

There is no VIP Break Darshan in Tirumala from 13 to 15 Nov
Written by news2in

Tirukati: Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) has suspended VIP Break Darshan at Tirumala Temple from 13 to 15 November considering the 29th South Zonal Council, scheduled to be attended by Interior Minister Amit Shah and Southern Minister’s Chief and the United States.
The temple body said there was no recommendation letter to be entertained for three days and appealed to worshipers to plan their Tirumala temple visits.
Meanwhile, representatives from various departments and institutions, including APSRTC, tourism, South Central Railway and Hospitality Associations have urged TTD to increase pilgrims to revive the economy of Hill City.
At the meeting held by Tirupati MP Gurumoorthy to discuss steps initiated by various departments to revive tourism and local economy in Shilparamam in the city of Temple on Saturday, representatives of the travel sector and hospitality said unless the temple body increased the pilgrims in Tirumala All sectors depend on tourism will continue to suffer.
After APSRTC, Railways, and tourism officials placed the numbers losing sector revenues before local parliamentarians, he assured them that he would take a problem with the Chairman of the TTD YV Subba Reddy.
MP also hopes that the temple body will immediately begin the steps to calm the Covid-19 limit in the city of Bukit.

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