There is no water for 1 month, more than 100 Amt Villagers launches protest – News2IN

There is no water for 1 month, more than 100 Amt Villagers launches protest

There is no water for 1 month, more than 100 Amt Villagers launches protest
Written by news2in

Nagpur: More than 100 villagers from the Non-Descript Village, Sawangi Magrapur at the Amravati City Council of Chandur Railway in Amravati Regency protested the cessation of water supply to them.
The villagers accused members of the Gram Panchayat (GP) had deliberately not put a new water pipe in Ward No.
1 As the majority of the population is from the underdeveloped community.
Old pipes rusty and have a lot of leakage.
Previously, there used to be water once a week, but the supply really stopped for the past month, they said.
The disadvantaged villagers, who began their protest from Wednesday night in front of a large well on the outskirts of the village, strong winds and cold weather all night along with their families, including women and children.
The incident has set alarm bells rings before the summer when the scarcity of water is at its peak.
According to villagers, they have faced a lack of water since the pre-independence era, but it becomes severe in the last 20 years or more due to a population increase.
“Despite repeated demands, both GP members and selected representatives who pay attention to their complaints.
Only during the election, Netas was seen in this backward area,” they said.
The villagers also accused Deputy Sarpanch Jorawar Pathhan and his team because he deliberately did not make efforts to supply water to their area “due to hostility with the underdeveloped community”.
“We struggled to have new pipes to our homes for the past years.
There was no water into our area for the past month, because the supply was cut upon the order of the Deputy Sarpanch and his team.
Scarcity of water is our biggest problem,” said Sudhakar Uikey, said A village resident.
According to Manohar Gedam, who led agitation, they had submitted a representation to Tehsildar and the others about this injustice was dropped to them by Deputy Sarpence.
“Only our ward who doesn’t get water.
Our protest will continue until the police took action under the atrocitas acting against those who block our supply.
We also want the dissolution and the appointment of the GP from an administrator to ensure justice for us.
Just because we come from the background Bad back and the community backwards, such care is dropped to us, “he said.
Reflecting all the allegations, Pathhan told Tii that villagers protested for no reason and political playing.
“There are old pipes in areas that are often choked and, therefore, the water supply is wrong.
The proposal to put a new pipe has been approved and RS24 lakh sanctions for it.
The women there have damaged the pipeline network,” he said.

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