There was no charges for Georgian officers who killed the black driver – News2IN

There was no charges for Georgian officers who killed the black driver

Written by news2in

Atlanta: The large jury has refused to sue the former Georgian State forces who shot and killed a black man last year after trying to pull him for the broken tail light.
Jacob Thompson, who worked for Georgian State Patrol, was arrested on charges of crime and attacks aggravated at the death of August 7 from Julian Lewis who was 60 years old.
After this case was presented to the Grand County Grand Jury Monday, the Grand Jurors did not demand Thompson on one of the accusations.
Francys Johnson, a lawyer for Lewis’s family said they wanted to see the video of the shooting.
He also asked the Daphne Taktun District Prosecutor to the Great Juru Empanel to try again to get charges.
A woman who answered the phone at Totten’s office on Tuesday said the district lawyer was in court in another area.
Taktence did not immediately respond to telephone messages and emails who were looking for comments.
Keith Barber, a lawyer for Thompson, released a statement to thank Grand Jury to “listen diligently for this evidence and come to this fair and fair determination.” “We believe this will be the end of the long trials that Thompson has done to experience wrong because Trooper Jake Thompson only does his job to protect Georgia’s citizens,” Barber said.
Lawyers for Lewis families have praised the arrest of Thompson a week after the shooting and then fired by the Georgian state patrol.
They were then deceived when the District Judge Scren F.
Gates initially denied the bond for Thompson in September, said it “would be inappropriate” to allow bonds at that time to remember the facts.
PEED gave $ 100,000 bonds in November after seven people, including four law enforcement officers, testified in the name of Thompson.
Lawyers for the Lewis family expressed a disappointment on Tuesday with the decision of the Grand Jury, by saying the system too often failed to provide justice for black people.
“Don’t get me wrong about it, we believe that this is a very strong case,” Johnson said during the 19th press conference in Savannah.
“The proof is there.
That’s still.” Barber said Thompson, his family and his defense team offered condolences to the Lewis family, but he defended Thompson’s actions.
“Jake Thompson has committed a crime in relation to his interaction with Julian Lewis,” Barber said.
“He clearly showed that he only acted to defend himself in this situation.” Thompson, the white one, tried to draw Lewis for a broken tail lights at Rural Scacven County, near the Georgian border with South Carolina.
When Lewis didn’t stop immediately, the police chased him and forced him to the ditch, then shot Lewis on the head.
Thompson wrote in the incident report that he shot Lewis when Lewis reversed the machine and turned the steering wheel, as if he tried to hit the police.
But the Georgian Bureau of the Dustin Peak investigation agent testified in September which was impossible, because the Lewis car battery was cut off when crashing into a ditch, leaving the vehicle could not be operated.
The peak testified that the video of the dashboard showed one second passed between the time, the police came out of the patrol vehicle and when he fired a shot that killed Lewis.
Johnson noted that the district lawyer has a great power in the indictment process and can basically present what they want to present it.
The standard of verification of the “cause of the possibility” needed for the charges is much lower than “beyond a reasonable doubt” needed to punish someone at the trial.
While the process of the Grand Jury is a secret and the people accused of generally do not have the opportunity to appear before the large jury to present their parties, the law of Georgia does have an exception that allows police officers to accuse crimes to testify before the jury.
Johnson said he wanted to see the Grand Jury process transcript: “If the presentation like prosecution has disappeared so far, we will not be surprised by what we see if there is a less married prosecution.

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