There was no charges for the former Georgian police who shot and killed a black driver – News2IN

There was no charges for the former Georgian police who shot and killed a black driver

There was no charges for the former Georgian police who shot and killed a black driver
Written by news2in

Georgia: The large jury has refused to demand a former Georgian State forces who shot and killed a black man last year during the traffic stopped from a broken taillight.
Relatives of the victims, Julian Edward Roosevelt Lewis, 60, said they were disappointed with the decision and urged the district prosecutor to stab a new jury to pursue the allegations of the former police, Jacob Thompson.
Lindsay Milton, the victim’s mother, the implied race was a factor in the decision of the Grand Jury Monday not to defend Thompson, who was white.
“They will let this young man be free ‘because my child is a black man; no, this won’t work,” he told reporters at the press conference on Tuesday.
“We will push this to the end.” The remaining telephone and email message for Daphne J.
Tatten District lawyer and a lawyer for Thompson is not immediately returned or answered Tuesday night.
Francys Johnson, a lawyer for Lewis’s family, said the family also wanted to meet with the district prosecutor, and for officials to release the police video from the shooting.
“The public deserves it, they pay it,” Johnson said at a press conference.
Then, referring to the Grand Jury member, he said, “and has been indicated now to 22 citizens in Scven County, but have not been shown to Ms.
Julian or his wife or lawyer.” Thompson, 27, was arrested and charged with the murder of crime and an age of the attack that was exacerbated after stopping the August 7 traffic and Lewis’s fatal shooting.
Around 9:20 a.m., according to a report from the Georgian investigation bureau, Thompson saw Lewis near Sylvania, Georgia, which is about 60 miles northwest of Savannah, driving with a broken taillights.
The State Trooper followed Lewis and tried to pull it, but he continued to drive and Thompson used a patrol vehicle to force Lewis’s car to turn to the side, causing him to stop in a ditch, the report said.
Thompson draw his weapon when he came out of his vehicle, he told the investigator, and said he saw Lewis trying to maneuver his vehicle towards him, pushing him to fire his gun.
Lewis had been hit once and said to die at the scene, the report said.
But Dustin Peak, Bureau of Georgia Investigation Agent, testified in September that this was not possible, because Lewis vehicles could not be operated after the trench and car batteries were cut off, The Associated Press reported.
The Georgian Public Safety Department said in a statement that Thompson had been fired for “negligence or inefficiency in carrying out assigned tasks; or criminal commission.” Johnson said the Georgian law allowed the district lawyer to lead a new jury if the previous person refused to pursue charges.
“We believe that this is a very strong case,” Johnson said.
“The proof is still there and still.”

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