They want to destroy Novak, said the former Djokovic coach – News2IN

They want to destroy Novak, said the former Djokovic coach

They want to destroy Novak, said the former Djokovic coach
Written by news2in

Pune: Bogdan Obradovic, Coach Novak Djokovic in his formative years and junior, said the “Commonwealth” tried to “destroy” the world No.
1 Because he tries to “change the world.” “It’s not bad for Novak.
It’s bad for tennis,” Obradovic, also credited with the development of players like Boris Pasansky, Viktor Troicki, Nenad Zimonjic and Janko Stiparevic, told Toi from Belgrade, Serbia.
Read the Alsobreak point: Novak Djokovic departs Australia after losing Last Court Courthe Day before the Australian Open will begin, Novak Djokovic, maybe the biggest tennis player of all time, runs against a group of opponents who are determined that there are no talents, training, money or willingness can be overcome.
He lost his last offer to live in Australia on Sunday when “Novak is not the best tennis player.
He is the best athlete in all sports in the last five-six years.” And that, said Obdravovic, is something that is not acceptable to the world established.
“You think of Mohammad Ali, Pele, or even John Lennon.
These are people who truly represent the real world,” he said for example.
To deliver his message to Indian fans, he quoted Mahatma Gandhi’s fight against “Stupid England”.
So, what happened to the pursuit of the Grand Slam Djokovic from here? Can he play it in the future without facing such obstacles? “They will try to do the same, the same tactics.
This is the only way they can stop it from getting a grand slam record,” Obradovic said.
“They try to destroy Djokovic, but they can’t.” The 54-year-old said the only way Djokovic can respond now to arrange his own world tour.
And BRIC countries can provide a strong counter for the Commonwealth, he said.
“Novak is very strong in his mind.
Together with countries such as India, Russia, China and Brazil, he can create new ATP and new tournaments in Mumbai, Shanghai, etc.,” Obradovic said.
“In 1973, they changed sports by launching ATP.
Djokovic must launch new ATP.
The players are with him.
If a large economy is like China and India, Russia and Brazil united and joining him, he can bring change.”

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