Thiruvananthapuram: 500 Lots of waste Removed from Amayizhanjan canal – News2IN

Thiruvananthapuram: 500 Lots of waste Removed from Amayizhanjan canal

Thiruvananthapuram: 500 Lots of waste Removed from Amayizhanjan canal
Written by news2in

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Since the monsoon starts to acquire power, the town organization officials are keeping their fingers crossed about the stream of water across the Amayizhanjan canal.
After flash flooding throughout the pre-monsoon showers, both the technology and wellness group of the town company worked with each other to scoop around 500 heaps of waste and silt in the canal by Bakery Junction into Vanchiyur.
Thus far, the stream of water across the canal was smooth.
The wellness wing found takers for its silt packed dirt gathered in the canal.
The company had invited tenders to eliminate the mounds of dirt piled up in Putharikandam floor and obtained 10 tenders.
While seven of these demanded cash from the company to haul the waste, a number of these consented to cover the company to its silt and grime.
The firm finally granted the tender to some man who consented to pay Rs 1 lakh to its dirt mound.
“We had about 60 plenty of waste piled up in the floor.
We chose to choose tender to prevent any unnecessary controversy.
To our surprisewe found a man ready to pay Rs 1 lakh to its silt, likely taking a look at the existence of sand,” a health official said.
In 2016, if the prior KSUDP staff took cleaning up of canal, then they needed to face the boring job of correctly disposing huge amount of waste accumulated out of the canal.
The technology wing had awakened with the railroad technology wing to wash out the canal in Thampanoo.
“We gave our complete technical assistance and rid the grates that had blocked the flow of water.
Approximately 87 heaps of silt has been removed from the region by which canal runs round the railroad station,” an official said.
Familiar scenes of flood had returned into Thampanoor since the region, for example, rail stationthat was marooned at the nighttime showers at the next week of May The town company needed in April established a pre-monsoon cleaning driveway.
The effort inaugurated by mayor Arya Rajendran started with elimination of waste in Amayizhanjan canal.
The company planned to eliminate waste piles gathered from town and also to clean drains and storm water drains throughout the pre-monsoon cleaning driveway.
It was after the flash flooding that also influenced the stores at Chalai, the company chose to establish a comprehensive cleaning mission before the monsoon.
Corporation officials had noted that the cleanup of the canal has been finished in May.
But, desilting functions were there has been a dispute involving the company and irrigation on desilting.
Anyway, former minister Kadakampally Surendran also stated that the railways had blocked the flow of the canal below the railroad lines that worsened the circumstance.

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