‘This is an annual business’: why this road is a commuter nightmare – News2IN

‘This is an annual business’: why this road is a commuter nightmare

'This is an annual business': why this road is a commuter nightmare
Written by news2in

Greater Noida: The police rolled their sleeves and pulled their trousers to guide traffic on the knee water because commuting experienced a difficult time negotiating the crater and a got hole with Surajpur-Phase 2 on Tuesday morning.
Stretching, which passed Kesra and Haldoni and used by commuters to go to the factory and office, was flooded after the rain spell on Tuesday.
Those who are on guard or bicycles face a hard time navigating muddy waters.
At least two people fall from a bicycle, can’t negotiate holes, TOI see.
When the vehicle moves at a slut speed, it causes a long groom one kilometer.
Mujib Ansari, who has Dhaba on Jalan Surajpur-Phase 2, the word waterlogging is an annual phenomenon on the route.
“Every year, stretches are flooded during the rainy season, which makes the whole road damaged.
The water level reaches as high as dividing.
They pump water, but the road floods again after the next spell,” he added.
Manholes are open under deep water pose a big risk for motorcyclists and them on foot.
Aware of this, the police from Kuesra Chowki closest to the Ecotech 3 police station are on the road to guide traffic and help people move.
Virendra Kumar, who used stretching to go to his office in Phase 2, said the authorities had to discuss the earliest hole to prevent any big accidents.
“Working to overhaul the Manhole system is still ongoing.
It has started from the CRPF camp and has not yet reached here.
They have worked on this project for a year now, but it has not been completed,” he added.
The waterways have been built on the jalpura to Haldoni more stretching, but they have not been built on Surajpur to Phase 2 Road.
Inadequate drainage is also blamed for a puddle of water on a 20 km stretch.
“The pump is used to drain water in Surajpur to Stretch Kesra.
But it does not work on the other hand, where the waste system fails.
Often, bicycles and autos fall on stretch holes because they cannot negotiate in the water,” said Ansari , When Tii visited the place on Tuesday morning, he saw two people falling on the road flooded.
Narendra Bhoooshan, CEO of the authority of the Nida Greater Industrial Development Authority (Gnida), said they had identified two congestion – the route Surajpur-Keesra and the area near Kolektoran, which was flooded.
“It is true that Drainage and Manhole worked on the first stretch (Surajpur-Phase 2) had been postponed even though the instructions in April to accelerate.
The responsible senior managing has been questioned.
Additional pumps are used to drain water.
This is a sliding slope that also causes waterlogging , “he added.
The casna depot from the highway rises also carries the rain load.
The area will also be flooded during the rainy season.

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