This is Instagram’s new trick to make you waste more time – News2IN

This is Instagram’s new trick to make you waste more time

This is Instagram's new trick to make you waste more time
Written by news2in

Instagram is tweaking your feed so that you end up going through posts, promoted content and more that doesn’t belong to people whom you follow.
This will result in an unlimited scroll experience and will force you to go through posts that Instagram thinks you would be interested in.
So, what is Instagram changing? The moment you hit the end of new posts from people whom you follow and are greeted with the “You’re All Caught Up” message, Instagram will continue to show you posts from people or brands you don’t follow.
Instagram’s algorithms will decide which posts to show or not show.
This means instead of shutting down the Instagram app after checking out all your followers posts, Instagram will make you spend more time on the app by showing random posts and ultimately wasting your time, unless you have the self-control to stop scrolling Instagram posts after seeing the “You’re All Caught Up” message.
In order to give you some control over these random posts, the social media platform will reportedly add a “Snooze” option that will help you to stop seeing these posts for 30 days.
It goes without saying that the more time you spend on Instagram, the better it is for monetisation.
But this minor changes will increase your screen time subtly affecting your routine.

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