This is not about choice: Biden vaccine mandate for the most part – News2IN

This is not about choice: Biden vaccine mandate for the most part

This is not about choice: Biden vaccine mandate for the most part
Written by news2in

Washington: President Joe Biden on Thursday uses his presidency to encourage two-thirds of US workers to be vaccinated against the Coronavirus, reaching the private sector for the mandate that all companies with more than 100 workers need vaccination or weekly testing.
Biden also moved to a shot mandate for health workers, federal contractors, and most federal workers, who could face disciplinary steps if they refused.
The sweeping action is the most extensive he has taken to control the pandemic and will affect almost every aspect of society.
They also reflect the frustration of Biden with around 80 million Americans who qualified for shots but have not received it.
“We are patient,” he said in a sharp message to those who refused to be vaccinated.
“But our patience is wearing thin.
And your rejection has cost us all.” “This is not about freedom or personal choice,” he added, in the friction in the Republican officials, including the governor who had said the opposite.
“It’s about protecting yourself and the people around you …” Biden acts through a combination of executive orders and new federal rules.
Under His plan, the private sector business that has 100 or more employees must require vaccination or mandatory weekly testing after work safety and health administration compile a regulation.
About 17 million health workers employed by hospitals and other institutions that receive Medicare and Medicaid replacement will also face strict vaccination requirements, as well as federal contractors and most federal workers.
Biden who had previously required federal staff to be vaccinated or tested.
Federal workers now have 75 days to get vaccinations, or face cessation.
Federal trade unions suggest they will receive vaccine mandates.
Biden also ordered mandatory vaccination for almost 3,00,000 educators in more than 200 schools running federal.
He announced that he would use defense production action to increase the production of fast testing kits and will work with retailers, including Amazon and Walmart, to expand their availability.
And he said the US transportation security administration will double the penalties on passengers on airplanes, trains and buses that refuse to wear a mask.

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