This is the highest paid programming language in 2021 – News2IN

This is the highest paid programming language in 2021

This is the highest paid programming language in 2021
Written by news2in

For coders and programmers, the language they use is the essence of their work.
Python has become a very popular programming language for a while now.
However, a report with the next web shows that rust has emerged as the highest payment programming language in 2021.
The report cites a study conducted by the O’Reilly technology training company.
This study revealed that developers whose code in rust get the highest average salary when compared to other languages ​​such as Python.
The developer survey was conducted by Stackoverflow also revealed that rust was a very popular language among developers.
What makes rust from the highest paid programming language for Mike Loulides, O’Reilly study writer, Python programmer in a large demand because there is a very large inventory.
He told the next web, “There are training camps that turn off the Python programmer by thousands; this becomes a standard language for CS Introduction in college; this is one of two languages ​​that is usually used for data analysis in science.
For rusty and rusty Going, the request is smaller, but the supply is much smaller.
“Seeing salaries with programming languages, this study reveals that professionals who use rust have the highest average salary (more than $ 180,000), followed by go ($ 179,000), and Scala ($ 178,000).
Python remains very popular and professionally using the language obtained around $ 150,000 on average salary.
Rust, according to the report, does not have a runtime or garbage collector and very fast.
This can be easily integrated with other languages ​​and has the ability to eliminate a lot of bug classes at compilation time.
Some jobs paid for rust programmers are software engineers, backend engineers, blockchain engineers and more.
This report cites the average salary of this work in England.
For example, a software engineer in England can approach 44,000 pounds while a Blockchain engineer can approach 55,000 pounds.

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