This MP MP collects Rs 100 for selfies with it – News2IN
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This MP MP collects Rs 100 for selfies with it

This MP MP collects Rs 100 for selfies with it
Written by news2in

INDORE: Taking Selfie with Madhya Pradesh Minister of Tourism and Culture Upha Thakur will now cost BJP workers and even followers of each RS 100.
The minister, who recently urged all people who were vaccinated to contribute Rs 500 to PM to treat funds with RS 250 per vaccine, on Saturday said he would begin to collect Rs 100 per selfie with him and use the local or sub-district operation committee.
“We all know that posing for selfies requires a lot of time.
Sometimes, we delayed a few hours because of this.
So the idea of ​​cost collection for selfies has been debated from an organization’s point of view,” said Thakur to MediodPersons in Khandwa, about 130 km from Indore, about 130 km from Indore Saturday.
“We have the Mandal Work Committee, each of which has a treasurer.
Those who will click Selfie must pay RS100 to the treasurer of each mandal, and this money will benefit the organization,” Minister said.
Thakur was a short visit to Khandwa Regency on Saturday.
During his interaction with party workers, he asked them to welcome leaders with books, not interest.
“If you will offer a book, someone will read it and learn from him.
So I ask you all to offer the book instead of bouquets,” he said.
Thakur, whose statement often triggered controversy, recently in the news because it was not wearing a face mask in public.
He said he didn’t need it because he did prayer and Hawan every day.

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