This Pocso Public Prosecutor numbered a century – News2IN

This Pocso Public Prosecutor numbered a century

This Pocso Public Prosecutor numbered a century
Written by news2in

Mumbai: this is the century he is happy and sad.
Glad that he helped put a band of men who were heard guilty for sexually abusing and preying on children.
And sad that the tribes of men like that only grew since he became a special prosecutor.
Geeta Sharma, Public Prosecutor (SPP) since July 2017, for courts who tried cases under the protection of children from the Act of sexual violation (Pocso), nailing his belief on Thursday.
He was a prosecutor for more than 200 cases.
Since last March, when the covid-19 pandemic lock was forced, he secured 33 beliefs in his cases.
The calculation includes 18 sentences of life, four sentences of 20 years imprisonment and 16 sentences with 10 years of prison.
Thursday’s belief is for kidnapping, with liberation under the rape and violation of Pocso.
Victims, only 15, claimed to be friends with 19 years accused of social media.
Cases of teenagers’ victims and the 20 defendants were abundant, easily forming a third of the case of Pocso, Sharma said.
Some other SPP agreed that the case of ‘escaping marriages’ made most cases and other categories often from younger children abused by people, known or became acquainted.
Sharma said the boy was often aged 21-24 and the girl was often teenagers, around 15, many of which were 17, some shy in 18 days even in such cases.
Often fired was submitted by the girl’s parents – in some cases Major at that time.
There are moments accused and the victim then visits the court with the baby in the arm, wants this case to go down, or change the enemy too, Sharma said which has been a 14-year-old lawyer, after studying in Advani and Thane Law Colleges.
Surprising cases and even the most productive prosecutors are the victims still toddlers or pre-school.
“Cases of” neighbors and relatives “because the defendant was increasing, Sharma said, adding” ninety percent of the time in the case of Pocso, the defendant ‘known’ people, of this 50% was relatives or neighbors and 25-30% were cases of boyfriend – boyfriend “.
In fact, as a prosecutor they read hundreds of pages every day the statements recorded by the police and the judge of disgusting acts or disgusting behavior, some testimonies brought these professionals approaching.
Sharma said the picture he could not let go of was a two-year-old boy who was overthrown during the trial.
He is sodomized.
The child bleeded, said a doctor.
“The defendant tried to bury him in Quicksand, a boy saw and save him.” While handling witnesses like that, prosecutors displaying other skills also to get proof of sketches from Sordid’s sexual attacks from the victim.
“We speak gently with love and care.
We talk about other things first, about what they like to eat, make them comfortable with a friendly atmosphere.
“The trial is on camera – no outsiders or media is permitted, but the courtroom is still a clear place for children.
Among the “most surprising case” and “the most complex case ‘was a stepfather who felt a one-year-old girl, seen by the mother who then turned hostile, but she was punished by” life imprisonment “.” When I saw a face – Their little face when we talked about the incident, sometimes it was tense, “Sharma said, 45, told toi.
“I’m angry.” “I wrote poetry and story to release steam.
Not about the case …
they were not published, “he laughed No, the mother will scold).
The cases where the witness changed hostile was “most challenging”, but he said he had secured 11 such beliefs.
DNA, another forensic test, a testimony of doctors and police and other witnesses play a role in the Pocso trial.
In one case, the victim was pregnant, the second DNA test fits on charges of crime and he was convicted of rape.
He was “encouraged” and while “grateful” to become a SPP said, “100 is a good record but I intend to work hard for justice in all cases to come”.
While fake cases cannot be ruled out, he said, a child as a victim of trauma crime for years.
For the younger, often innocent disappear.

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