Three agricultural laws: said experts what was said – News2IN

Three agricultural laws: said experts what was said

Three agricultural laws: said experts what was said
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The experts mostly expressed favorable opinions about three agricultural laws carried by the MOD government, even as farmers protesting hard.
Now the law is set to be withdrawn, we look back at what experts say.
‘More freedom, and better prices.
Anywhere in India.
With numbers to show that agriculture as a profession is increasingly less attractive and referred to the size of a shrinking agriculture, Aiyar said that the main solution lies in moving people from agriculture into the field of agriculture and services; Other steps are only palliative.
Batting for contract farming, Aiyar said it would create an economic scale for farmers and ensure a minimum price.
Read the full article that was useful, but the failure of communication by the Government of Agricultural Economist Ashok Gulali, who was a member of the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council from 1999 to 2001, said there was a great failure of communication in the center to explain farmers how this law could help them .
Political parties and social activists exploit this communication gap and launch the wrong information campaign, said Gullati.
‘Reformation must be, only a dispute in which the strategy to pursue columnist Andy Mukherjee agrees with the need for Agri reform and said the only dispute in which the strategy to pursue.
“Agriculture must get out of sub-3% growth habits,” Mukherjee has argued.
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There was no downside for farmers, only the significant upside’arvind Panagariya, who served as Deputy Chairperson of Niti Aayog between January 2015 and August 2017, strongly supported the New Agriculture Act.
He also said there was no downside and upside down was “significant”.
The commission agent who has guaranteed revenue from APMC transactions has a reason to be angry by reform, he said.
“Each reform rollback will definitely encourage personal interests to rise up against other reforms,” ​​Panagariya said.
‘New agricultural bills are flawed’kushik basu, the former head of the World Bank economist has a different view.
New agricultural bills are disabled, and will eventually serve more corporate interests than farmers, he said.
‘The farmer union was blamed for the Intransgen’r Jagannathan, Director of the Swarajya Editorial Critical to BJP because it did not consider the farmer’s concern seriously and allowed an agitation snowball.
But he blamed the agricultural union for their inconsification, even after the government bent backwards to accommodate most of their concerns without sacrificing three agricultural reform laws he had implemented.
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