Three blocks contributed 25% of positive cases – News2IN

Three blocks contributed 25% of positive cases

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: While 50% of the Covid -19 daily case in the district was reported from the city alone, 25% of positive cases were reported from three out of 12 blocks between June 16 and August 10 in accordance with the Covid District Bulletin.
Blocks on the outskirts of the city contribute 10% of everyday positive cases, which are increasing.
Block tulur, other suburbs, accounted for 7% of the total positive cases according to the bulletin.
The caramadai, maybe the biggest block in terms of jurisdiction and population, contributed 8% of everyday cases.
“People from other districts and countries visiting industrial units in place and this case tends to emerge from these units,” said BLOCK MEDICAL OFFICER.
Omar Faroque.
“There are only two positive cases on Tuesday.
But 10 cases were reported on Wednesday.
Most of them were outsiders.
We have vaccinated most of the industrial population with the first dose.
Cases can go down after we give the second dose to most people, “He said.
With seven Panchayat villages and two city Panchayats, the Jurisdiction of Karamadai blocks covers most of the mettupalayam.
This is wide in terms of population, with 2.85 lakh people.
“Vegetable and potato markets in the army witness the large crowd from outside the district,” said a senior health official.
“We collected 300 samples every day and 10-15 people tested positive.
Most of the positive cases are those who volunteered for tests after experiencing symptoms.” Being a semi-urban area, most of the people of Thudiangur visiting coimbatore for reasons of work .
“While only six cases were reported on Tuesday in the Thudiangur Block, it increased to 16 on Wednesday.
Thirteen of them are new cases,” said a senior health official.
“More than 500 samples are collected every day of the block.
We have increased the number of camps.”

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