Three guest workers test + ve for viruses in tirupur – News2IN

Three guest workers test + ve for viruses in tirupur

Written by news2in

Health officials in Tirupur have increased monitoring and testing guest workers after three workers, who have returned from the northern state, tested positive Covid-19 immediately after their arrival.
Health officials maintain close watches on other guest workers, who have traveled with the trio, and asked other passengers from the train to isolate themselves.
Guest workers from West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and other countries have begun to return in a large enough number for Tirupur after the locking locked and the garment unit continues the full operation.
Covid-19 detection among guest workers when Tirupur has reported a stable decline in daily demands has caused new challenges for health officials.
From reporting 1,000 new cases every day in June, the count has dropped to 197 in Tirupur on Wednesday.
Infection among garment unit workers can cause problems, because most smaller units have dozens of people working at close range.
Although the garment unit has been instructed to ensure social distance among workers and make them wear masks, there may be irregularities that will result in a faster deployment.
In addition, most guest workers live in solid washrooms, where the possibility of transmission to high roommates.
“It is also difficult for guest workers to isolate themselves given the fact that they live in bunches in small rooms.
They cannot buy separate rooms for isolation,” said a health official.
Officials, however, have ensured that all guest workers who landed at Tirupur train station were tested.
The health staff team was deployed at the train station also collected the name, Aadhar number, and cellphone number workers during sample collection.
“We try to get the results as early as possible.
If someone tests positive, we plan to bring patients to the hospital and send roommates to the center of isolation,” the official said.

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