Tigers tried to reclaim the missing habitat in the Telangana forest – News2IN

Tigers tried to reclaim the missing habitat in the Telangana forest

Tigers tried to reclaim the missing habitat in the Telangana forest
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: In what looks like a direct scene from the latest Bollywood Potboiler ‘Sherni’ who deals with the conflict of humans in India, tigers in Telangana District Bheem Asifabad tried hard to reclaim their territory, even when the villagers continued to violate the wild cat’s habitat limit , The villagers confirmed several sightings in deep forest areas, which are now quickly issued by humans.
The latest photo of one appearance shows the tiger, allegedly becoming A2, sitting in the forest, which has seen the increasing migration of tigers from neighboring Maharashtra, but the land was interrupted on that day.
Appearance has been reported in Kondapalli Village, Digida and Lodpalli of the district, triggering panic among local residents and farmers who said two tribal youths were killed by last year’s tigers and kill livestock had been reported every week.
“The villagers see tigers almost every day alternative.
There are several examples where agricultural workers see tigers, while they graze livestock,” said Nimma Mallanna, a resident of Kondapalli Village.
Toi forest officers spoke to confirm that the big cat moved in the edge of the forest and urged local residents to be careful.
“We have asked farmers not to explore deeply in the forest and stop penetrating forest land for agriculture, which is the main cause of increasing human conflicts in the region.
Tiger is only trying to save his reduced habitat,” said the top forest department official.
“In one village of 40, at least 2,000 hectares of forest land have been interrupted.
So you know the extent elsewhere,” he added.
Forest officials said that nearly 40 villages that fall in the district tiger corridor are currently influenced by human conflict.
“We witnessed the incident where people who did not know the conflict of wild animals entered forest areas for agricultural activities.
Our staff constantly worked to conduct conscious campaigns and counseling people who entered forest areas, to avoid unwanted incidents,” The official word forest S Shantharam told toi.
Local villagers claimed that the issue of forest land encroachment was mainly due to the authorities who did not conduct surveys to limit forest areas from land income.
“Podu (agriculture) of land has been in the forest for more than 40 years, but since 2010, there have been several new encroachment within the forest area.
There are around 1,600 hectares of land income and 2,000 hectares of forest land in this area.
Envantation is happening because the authorities Not conducting a survey to mark the limit to separate this land, “said Kondapalli Sarpanch Sanjeev’s attention.
Wildlife experts who work in the region said the situation in this forest area described the heartbreaking scene of the heart from a tiger that struggled to reclaim its territory which was now under disputes due to the politics, history and geography of the land.
“Political pressure, forest land encroachment, the construction of the National Railroad and Highway in the tiger corridor and the road between Asifabad and Tiger Kawal’s reserves, all falls in tigers which ultimately make criminals in the scenario.
We need to make a peaceful solution that is beneficial for tigers and villagers who depend on each other to protect the forest for our future generation, “said one source close to the Ministry of Forestry.
Tigers come to AsifaBad most of Tadoba’s reserves and tippeshwar tiger in Maharashtra and from Tiger Indravati reserves from Chhattisgarh.
To avoid human-animal and road murder conflicts, the Ministry of Forestry has proposed eight underpasses for the four national highways that passed the corridor of the tiger, but not even one underpass had been taken.

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