Tiples rejoices as Chanda’s liquor stores open after 6 years – News2IN

Tiples rejoices as Chanda’s liquor stores open after 6 years

Tiples rejoices as Chanda's liquor stores open after 6 years
Written by news2in

Chandrapur: There is a jubilation between Boozers as a liquor store opened back after a six-year gap on Monday.
The government declared has raised a ban in the Chandrapur district on May 27.
The State Excise Ministry has cleared 168 liquor licenses for which application at the initial stage, while the regularization process of other suspended liquor licenses is taking place.
The process of updates the liquor license has gained momentum since two weeks.
Of the 168 cases where the excise department received reports of supervision and inspection completion, 98 licenses were updated and left to liquor traders on Friday while the remaining 70 was cleaned on Monday.
Bar beer and liquor bar (both liquid and foreign liquids) immediately raised orders for procurement and many liquor arrived at Chandrapur on Monday.
The big crowd attacked the beer bar and liquor stores in the afternoon.
People stood inside complicated at the counter bar while the long queue was seen in liquor stores.
People can be seen bragging about being the first to have a liquor bottle in hand.
The ban on liquor was put in place in the district on April 1, 2015.
After a report from a committee led by Pension Secretary of Secretary Ramanath Jha in March this year, the state government revoked the ban on 27 May, the Excise Ministry asked all 561 holders license in the district to submit an update.
Sagar Dhomkar District Excise Superintendent said that they had received 303 applications for updates until Monday.
“Supervision and inspection is completed in 280 cases.
Reports are accepted in 168 cases and all of these licenses are issued by Monday,” he added that those who have a license holder can sell liquor through a beer bar or outlet bar.
Dhomkar said the process of cleaning a liquor license would be accelerated.

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