TMC infaghting: Mamata asks leaders instead of air difference in the public – News2IN

TMC infaghting: Mamata asks leaders instead of air difference in the public

TMC infaghting: Mamata asks leaders instead of air difference in the public
Written by news2in

Kolkata: With the difference between the next generation leaders of the Trinamool Congress and the part of the old guard who was accompanied by the West Bengal Bengal Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday asked all party parliamentarians and leaders to air their views in public.
According to sources, Banerjee who also supremo TMC said at the TMC Parliamentary Party meeting that he would protect party organizations in the state.
“During the meeting, Mamata Banerjee, without calling anyone, clearly asked every parl member and the leader not to embarrass the party by airing their differences and views in public.
Whatever he must say, it must be said in the party forum.
This rule applies For all leaders, “said Senior MP TMC with anonymous requirements after the meeting.
“He also said that regardless of his busy schedule, for the next he would keep organizational problems related to the country,” MP said.
Dictate of Banerjee for party leaders is present in the background of the struggle for strength felt in the party and the difference between the next generation leaders and the old guardian part.
Earlier this month, Senior MP Kalyan Banerjee said that he did not consider anyone as the leader but Mamata Banerjee while criticizing the Secretary General of the National Party Abhishek Banerjee for the advice related to Covid.
Last week, Abhishek, who was CM’s nephew, tried to shrink the attacked attack Kalyan Banerjee to him, stating that the two agreed that Mamata Banerjee was their unnecessary leader.
According to the party’s source, Banerjee rebuked the MP Party Aparupa Poddar during a virtual meeting to speak in public and embarrass the party.
“Mamata was reprimanded by Poddar because he did not receive a call.
When he tried to defend himself by saying he was not healthy, Mamata told him that he could not accept the phone but could make a comment in public, embarrassing the party.
He was asked not to air His view is in public, “another MP TMC said.
During the episode of Kalyan Banerjee, Poddar said that he had to resign from the party whip in Lok Sabha for violating party discipline.
Supremo TMC asked all members of parliament to “work together and install a united war against BJP”.
“He also said it is true that the party roams to other countries, but at the same time, we must not forget that TMC comes from Bengal and the work of the organization in the country cannot be ignored,” said MP Party.
Banerjee also said all members of the parl except some must be present at the party organization poll in Kolkata in February 2.
Regarding the invognition in the country, he asked party leaders to discuss matters associated with him with TMC Partha Secretary General Chatterjee and the President of the State of Subrata Bakshi.

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