TN: Academics Call for Refresher Courses for Freshers – News2IN

TN: Academics Call for Refresher Courses for Freshers

TN: Academics Call for Refresher Courses for Freshers
Written by news2in

Chennai: Batch students of class XII are currently attending about nine physical classes in the past two years due to pandemics.
To bridge the gap of large learning because the online class, teachers and experts have asked the university to introduce refresher courses based on higher secondary syllabus for all refreshments during the academic year 2022-23.
The request is to ensure a smooth transition from school to college.
Apart from the bridge course carried out by the school education department for a month, class XII students were less clear in the basic concepts, teachers said.
Because higher intermediate forming a degree program foundation, students will struggle to overcome the degree program, they added.
Purushothamaman, a graduate mathematics teacher from the city school, said class XII students did not have conceptual clarity because the bridge line was only partly successful.
“They will fight in higher entrance tests and studies.
Unless universities or colleges come with bridge courses, they will not be able to do well in a higher study,” he said.
Some school principals said they wanted most of the syllabus for the first semester in college based on class XI, Syllabus XII.
N Vijayan, Senior Principal of High School Matrikulation in Tambaramm said, “To make the transition from school to fine college, universities need to enter the topic of class XI and XII in the first semester syllabus.
I would suggest to include 75% syllabus from secondary syllabus and 25% higher than the first semester for degree programs considering students have attended online classes for the majority of the past two years.
Some academics want refresher courses to be made mandatory for first year students.
“The XII class refresher module can be made mandatory for the first semester course in a degree program .
These modules can be prepared in three clusters – Medical and Engineering courses, Trade and Business, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, “said S Vaidyasubramanam, representative of literary chancellor.
For example, refresher courses can be designed for medical students based on biology, physics and chemistry And for engineering students, they must be based on mathematics, physics and chemistry.

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