TN FM CITES COWIN to blow Federal BUGLE – News2IN


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MADURAI: Minister of Finance Tamil Nadu P T R Phanivel Thiagarajan on Tuesday highlighted the importance of a federal approach in situations such as Covid-19 pandemic.
He said the Cowin portal, where the detail of Covid vaccination is maintained, is a classic example for why “we need a federal approach in several situations.” He showed that vaccinated residents’ details were only available with the center and not with countries, as they should.
This caused obstacles to the countries while preparing to face the third wave of Covid.
The minister spoke to reporters after examining the vaccination camp in Madurai, in front of Trade Minister P Muhorthy.
He said Madurai had managed to bring the second wave under control and the district was quite ready in terms of infrastructure.
There are enough beds, oxygen concentrators, oxygen generators, covid and other care centers, he said.
“Now, on the instruction of the Chair of the Constitutional Court of the Constitutional Court Stalin, we will implement a pilot project to identify vulnerable people and monitor them continuously.
Five Lakh has received a vaccine in Madurai.
About 4.17 lakh has received a single dose and 90,000 has been Receive their second dose too.
But, because the Cowin portal is a centralized system, the details of vaccinated people are only available with the central government.
Therefore this is an obstacle to implementing a pilot project.
We do not have 100% details of our vaccination population, “he said.
“This is why we have emphasized the need for a federal system, where management will be better in the state if they have their own data,” he said.
The minister said that they would also write to the central government who was looking for details of a vaccinated population in Madurai Regency .
“We have around 70% of data through camps conducted in Madurai, but 30% still remain with the center and we have to access it for better management to find out which parts of the city have the many people who are vaccinated and where it is low.
This information is a must to overcome the third wave, and let’s hope for the detail sharing center in the next few days, “he said.
From Wednesday, the Madurai Regency Government will store tabs in a vaccinated population.
This will be very helpful to control the spread of disease, he said.

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