TN: RS 675CR income for Tasmac in 3 days – News2IN

TN: RS 675CR income for Tasmac in 3 days

TN: RS 675CR income for Tasmac in 3 days
Written by news2in

Chennai: Tasmac Outlet across the country for sale Liquor worth RS 675 Crore in three days with January 14 (Pongal) itself carries Rs 317 Crore, one of the highest one-day sales.
Closure of liquor vends on Saturday and Sunday (the complete day of Tiruvalluvar and Kuncian) is the reason for a surge in sales.
However, on Saturday, Tiplers near the border area between countries in Tiruvallur, making the road to shops in Andhra Pradesh to buy alcohol.
Last year, in Bhogi, Pongal and Kaugan Pongal Tasmac collectively scored Rs 590 Crore income.
On January 14 this year, according to Sumber Tasmac, the Madurai region recorded the highest sales of Rs 68.8 Crore, followed by the Trichy region with sales of Rs 65.5.
While the Salem and Coimbatore regions recorded sales of Rs 63.9 Crore and Rs 59.6 Crore, the Chennai region consisting of city and neighboring three districts was dropped from Rs 59.2 Crore.
On January 13, state-owned companies sell liquor worth Rs 203 Crore in all five regions with each region for sale from 19% to 21%.
This area, Madurai and Trichy are topped with Rs 42.7 Crore and Rs 40.6 Crore.
Liquor ordinary and medium categories, with prices ranging from Rs 120 to Rs 140 (per 180 ml of bottles) with high demand, while Brandy is the most sought-after varieties of whiskey.
Liquor in a 150 ml bottle is the most sought after, although some stores have additional requests for bottle 375ml and 750ml, added sources.
The Managing Director of Tasmac L Subramanian did not respond to messages and calls in sales details.
On the other hand, Tiplers from limiting the areas of Tiruvalur district such as RK and Pallipet liquor outlets across the border in neighboring Andhra Pradesh to buy alcohol on Saturday due to Tasmac Show.

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