Tokyo 2020: How ‘Twisties’ Deraed Simone Biles’ Offer Records – News2IN

Tokyo 2020: How ‘Twisties’ Deraed Simone Biles’ Offer Records

Tokyo 2020: How 'Twisties' Deraed Simone Biles' Offer Records
Written by news2in

Tokyo: When the golfer gets yip, they take the risk of the missed putt – when Simone Biles got the equivalent of gymnastics, he risked breaking his neck.
US Superstar, 24, blamed “The Twisties” to come out dramatically from the team event in the Tokyo match, where he aims to equalize or even exceed the record of women’s gymnastics throughout the nine Olympic gold.
Biles exploded down the runway for the opening safe in the team’s final on Tuesday, launching Tokyo Odyssey with a mandate at the center of Senam Ariake.
Skills – a handspring back to the vault then two and a half twist in the air with a blind landing facing away from the equipment – not for those who faint.
This is an evil and dangerous step but he usually executes time and again with perfection points.
Read Alsotokyo Olympics: Simone biles out turning on the toxic debate in us about what the troll sports accuses him to release his team and his country.
On Tuesday, with a small frame cut the expectations that came by being one of the game’s faces, “Twisties” attacked.
Losing a sense of spatarian awareness, with the real danger of doing itself a serious danger, biles redeeming out of murmon in the air, turning only one and a half times and tripping over the landing.
Gymnast colleagues have described conditions that disrupt normal communication between the brain and the body.
“You have absolutely no control over your body and what it is,” US gymnastics Finnegan explained on Twitter. alea (@aleaahfinn) 1627457383000.
The loss of the form is complex, difficult to treat, and can be exacerbated by pressure, a French exercise coach told AFP.
Any gymnast who fell by Twisties “was paralyzed by fear of loss” and serious injury, he said.
Biles, with sharp and sharp mental vision gymnings require to carry out a challenging routine gravity wrapped by doubts and fear, bravely making decisions to beat from the three remaining elements to focus on their mental health.
Instead, he took the role of the cheerleader-in-chief role as his teammate to claim silver behind Russia.
Biles, who have four Olympic gold medals and 19 world titles, then pulled out of the defense on Thursday about the All-Around crown, with their participation in the final apparatus that is still uncertain.
The gymnasts have received support from all over the world, including from the first former US Michelle Obama and swim Michael Phelps.
He tried to explain what had happened soon after the competition Tuesday, “I did not choose to do one half, this (pointed his head) chose to do one and a half,” he said.
“I tried to do two and a half, and it didn’t click.” He said his teammate first watched something wrong in the final Tuesday.
“Those (his teammates) saw him a little in practice.
I experienced a little twisties.” “He gave us a small heart attack,” his teammate Jordan Chiles interrupted.
Biles continued: “It’s very normal than me.
It just annoys that happens here at the Olympics.” Christina Myers, a former athlete and now the coach, tells the BBC that Twisties can occur “when your brain and body are disconnected”.
British gymnast Claudia Fragapane knew how the danger of the sport, fell from the beam at the Rio Olympics and again in training in April, maintaining a head injury.
“Everyone thinks that he will only really come out of this world and perfect and he is not human,” he told the BBC.
“But actually he is human, and I think the pressure is too much.”

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