Tokyo’s chairman did not rule out the 11th game cancellation – News2IN

Tokyo’s chairman did not rule out the 11th game cancellation

Tokyo's chairman did not rule out the 11th game cancellation
Written by news2in

Tokyo: The head of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee on Tuesday did not rule out the last minute cancellation from the global sports exhibition, amid the increase in the case of Coronavirus who had presented the installation challenges.
Asked at a press conference if the game, which will be opened on Friday, may still be canceled, Toshiro Muto said he would supervise the numbers of infection and hold discussions with the organizers if necessary.
Read Alsofaster, higher, stronger and now ‘together’, IOC added the fourth Olympic Olympic motto changed to “faster, higher, stronger – together” during the International Olympic Committee session here on Tuesday when the world Waiting for Tokyo who was hit by a game pandemic to start on July 23.
“We cannot predict what will happen with the number of Coronavirus cases.
So we will continue the discussion if there is a surge in the case,” said Muto.
“We have agreed that based on the Coronavirus situation, we will hold five party talks again.
At this point, the Coronavirus case can go up or down, so we will think about what we have to do when the situation appears.” Read Alsolympics’s head acknowledged the ‘night without sleep’ over the head of the Tokyo game Gamus which was troubled Thomas Bach revealed ‘doubts’ and sleepless nights’ on the Tokyo match which was postponed on Tuesday as the opening ceremony approaching and Coronavirus Chaos who had made them very unpopular with the Japanese public.
Bach, speaking at the International Olympic Committee – 19 cases rose in Tokyo and the match, postponed last year because of a pandemic, will be held without spectators.
Japan this month decided that participants would compete in empty places to minimize the risk of further infection.
The opening ceremony will also take place without a large Olympic sponsor, the company said on Tuesday, dealing with another blow to a slim game because more athletes were tested positive for the Coronavirus.
Read the Emperor also to attend the ceremony emperor the opening of the Olympics Naruhto would attend the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics who were delayed by the virus, his office said Tuesday words, while the organizers faced an angry domestic community about the restrictions of Coronavirus and worried about the possibility of a surge in the case triggered by match participants arrived from overseas.

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