Top US Diplomats visited Nigeria to face calls to rethink bondings – News2IN

Top US Diplomats visited Nigeria to face calls to rethink bondings

Top US Diplomats visited Nigeria to face calls to rethink bondings
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Abuja: State Secretary Antony Blinken arrived in Nigeria on Thursday due to continuous riots and human rights worries requesting a repeatment of US relations with the most populous countries of Africa.
US Top Diplomats were on their first trip to Sub-Saharan Africa where he was looking to fight for President Joe Biden’s presidential president to promote democracy and combat climate change and covid-19 pandemic.
At his first stop on Wednesday, Kenya’s old allied, Blinken called for a solution driven by Africa to the continental crisis including a spiral war in Ethiopia – where the former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo had led mediation.
With 20 percent of the sub-Saharan African and the largest economic population, Nigeria is very important for every continental strategy and US administration in a row has hitched Nigeria leaders since the recovery of the civil government in 1999.
But the US view from Nigeria, is married to the years .
Rampage violence and corruption, hardened last year after security forces released deadly violence during massive protests against police brutality.
Biden, in an extraordinary statement strongly as a candidate, voiced solidarity with the protesters and urged President Muhammadu Buhari – who will meet with Thursday – to control security forces.
Senator Bob Menendez, member of the Democratic Party Biden who led the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, with a hearing with Blinken called for “fundamental rethinking from our overall involvement framework” with Nigeria.
The objection of the Congress has held sales of 12 US Cobra attack helicopters to Nigeria in the middle of a call to investigate whether the military did enough to prevent the death of civilians due to fight with the rebellion of two decades Boko Haram Jihadist.
But Nigeria had recently started receiving separate Super Tocano fighter aircraft after former President Donald Trump gave a green light to the sale that had been detained by Previous Administration Barack Obama after an accidental Nigerian attack in refugee camps that killed more than 100 people.
The removal of the Blackliston Eve’s visit, Blinken reopened Trump’s actions by removing Nigeria from the US black list of countries that violated religious freedom.
The predecessor of Blinken Mike Pompeo, who did not visit Nigeria, made a late decision in his tenure on the insistence of evangelical Christians who said that attacks on the community in the diverse countries were systematic.
Blinken, in Nairobi, also on allies of allied Kenya to ensure the general and secure elections next year – and acknowledge that the United States is “almost immune” with such concerns, veiled figures of violence on January 6 who tried to do a reverse Biden victory.
Oge Onubogu, Director of West Africa from the US Peace Institute, said the Biden government must see parallel between Nigeria and Ethiopia, where ethnic conflicts left in a large country have mushroomed in a destructive war that is at risk of regional chaos.
Blinken, he said, can strengthen the message that “what happens in Nigeria does not only affect Nigeria, but it affects West Africa and the entire continent too”.
Onubogu said there should be no more “business as usual” and that the United States needs to handle more directly with the Nigerian people, not just the government.
State Department officials said Blinken would increase human rights in Nigeria and meet with civil society groups throughout the trip, which will also take him to Senegal.
“That is what will be noticed by people.
They will say, OK, the tone changes, but they will want more guarantees that everything really changes towards the right direction,” Onubogu said.

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