Traders ridden by debt shooting herself in Haibowal House – News2IN

Traders ridden by debt shooting herself in Haibowal House

Written by news2in

Ludhiana: The owner of the Car Parts Shop shot himself dead with a licensed revolver at his home in Durgapuri, Haibowal, Monday morning.
Forty-year-old Cathetarian wife, Jyoti, and two sons have gone to Rajasthan on Sunday night.
When the incident happened, his old parents were at home.
Not receiving information, deputy commissioner of the addition of police-III Sameer Verma, Assistant Commissioner of Police (West) Gurpreet Singh and Haibowal Cops reached the place.
Verma said, “With a licensed revolver bore .32, Neeraj fired two shots to his chest and died in place.
He took steps on the first floor of his house.
The elderly parents were on the ground floor when they heard a voice and thought something had fallen.
When they ride To the top, the Neeraj room is locked from inside.
When repeated knocks they are not answered, they call their younger sons who go to work.
“When their second son came home, he opened the door and found Neeraj died in a pool of blood.
The family then called the police.
The police have restored suicide notes from the place where Neeraj accused Rajan Jain from Karol Bagh and Harish Sabharwal road 33 feet, which had lent money to him, because he harassed it and forced him to take extreme steps.
In the note, the Neer also apologized to his family and stated that the moneylenders should not harass his brother.
Jerma said, “Rajan and Harish harassed Neeraj to return money.
That’s why he killed himself.” Police Haibowal has registered a case against Rajan and Harish under Section 306 (suicide reduction) of the IPC.
Neeraj’s wife and children have left Rajasthan for the city.
They go to religious sites there with locality in the bus.

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