Transgender students win when the US Supreme Court arouses the attraction of the bathroom – News2IN

Transgender students win when the US Supreme Court arouses the attraction of the bathroom

Transgender students win when the US Supreme Court arouses the attraction of the bathroom
Written by news2in

Washington: The US Supreme Court on Monday refused to take the case of the main transgender rights, leaving a lower court ruling that the Virginia Public School Board acted illegally in preventing transgender students from using the bathroom in high school that suited him.
Gender identity.
The judge who chose not to hear the attraction of the Gloucester School Board of 2020 by the Richmond-based US circuit court which was based in Richmond which was transgender Gavin Grimm students protected by federal laws which caused sex discrimination in education, known as an IX degree And the US constitution requirements that people are treated together under the law.
The 4th circuit verdict does not set a national legal precedent.
The Supreme Court’s decision to reject the appeal was a victory for Grimm, which sued the school board in 2015 after officials in local high schools refused to allow it to use toilet boys.
The Supreme Court previously took this case in 2016 but did not issue a verdict and send it back to a lower court.
“We won,” Grimm wrote on Twitter.
“I don’t have anything to say but thank you, thank you, thank you.
Respected to be part of this victory.” A short court order noted that Clarence Thomas’s conservative rights and Samuel Alito would take this case.
Administration of President Joe Biden, reversing the position taken by the government under his predecessor Donald Trump, said on June 16 that the title IX protected both gender identities and sexual orientation.
Administration has not said specifically how it applies to school bathroom access.
Grimm, assigned gender women at birth, identified as a man.
Grimm, now 22, graduated from school in 2017.
Grimm began attending the Gloucester High School in September 2014.
With school permission, Grimm used a boy’s bathroom for about seven weeks without an incident.
But after complaints from parents, the district school board adopted a new policy in December 2014 which requires students to use the bathroom that suits their sex at birth.
Grimm was given the choice to use a separate neutral gender bathroom, but refused to do it, felt distigmatization.
Judge Henry Floyd, wrote for the 4th Circuit, said the school board action was “a kind of special discrimination against a child that he would no doubt be carried with Him for life.” The 4th circuit raised the 2019 Federal Judge’s decision in supporting Grimm.
Bathroom access has become a big problem in battle over transgender rights, and Grimm’s lawsuit has become the most prominent legal case on the subject.
The previous Grimm case would be arranged to be said at the Supreme Court in 2017 but taken from the schedule after Trump’s administration canceled the guide released below Barack Obama’s predecessor regarding the bathroom access to transgender students.
Trump tried to roll back transgender rights in other regions, and his Republican colleagues in several countries had passed laws that strive to limit transgender girls in school sports.
Biden administration has reversed various Trump policies on LGBT problems.
The Supreme Court issued a landmark 2020 ruled that gays and transgenders were protected under federal law which caused sex discrimination in work.
The decision helped guide the 4th circuit decision in the case of Grimm and the position of the Biden government on IX protection rights.
Floyd wrote that considering the 2020 decision, “We have a little trouble in holding the bathroom policy blocking Grimm from using a toilet of boys discriminated against against it.”

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