Tribal forum to float 10 candidates – News2IN

Tribal forum to float 10 candidates

Tribal forum to float 10 candidates
Written by news2in

PANAJI: The Tribe Action Forum for the Goa Schedule on Saturday announced that it would start a tribal candidate in 10 elections in the upcoming 2022 Cave Assembly poll.
Forum members say that many constitutional rights continue to be rejected to tribal communities in Goa because selected representatives have failed to give priority to this problem.
“We struggle for almost 30 years to get ST status for the Gauda, ​​Kunbi and Velip community and we got status in 2003.
But we did not provide our constitutional rights such as declaring the scheduled area, forming the tribal department and distributing sufficient funds.
Political reservations, land rights and houses have not been given to the tribal community to date.
This is because the community is not given a political reservation, which is intended to provide representation to the community, “said Ramkrishna Zalmi.
Chosen representatives ignored this tribal community, which led to their problems remaining delayed for almost two decades now, said Zalmi.

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