Trigger Tiger Fresh Trigger Panic in CSTPS – News2IN

Trigger Tiger Fresh Trigger Panic in CSTPS

Trigger Tiger Fresh Trigger Panic in CSTPS
Written by news2in

Chandrapur: The appearance of the tiger at the Super Thermal Power Station Chandrapur (CSTP) again triggered panic among Urja Nagar residents, a housing colony of power plants.
Two tigers committed murder near Herai Guest House from the power plant, and were arrested on the camera devouring Buffalo Kill by several residents on Saturday.
Videos soon to be viral on social media, stirring new fears among the locals.
Chandrapur Range Forest Officer (RFO) Rahul Karkar said the tiger was seen in CSTP since Friday.
He confirmed that Tiger Duo made Kill Road and devoured Buffalo on Saturday, but stated that all preventive measures were being taken by the Ministry of Forestry.
Karkar said the tigers seen in video clips were adults.
There are two other sub-adult tigers in the area separated from their mothers.
He added that the department had installed 10 cameras traps around the tiger looked and the people who lived in the area were told about the presence of tigers and warned not to adventure alone, especially at night.
Replying to requests, Karkar said that there was a slight possibility of taking this tiger rescue operation considering the number of natural water pools around the CSTP bush forest.
The standard operating procedure prohibits calm tigers near the body of the water, because the possibility of tigers fall under water and sink.
He said that the team consisting of 10 foresal was deployed in the area to patrol and maintain the vigil against wildlife attacks.

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