Trudeau Canada took a bet, calling Snap Election for September 20 – News2IN

Trudeau Canada took a bet, calling Snap Election for September 20

Trudeau Canada took a bet, calling Snap Election for September 20
Written by news2in

Ottawa: Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday was called the initial election of the beginning for September 20, said he needed a new mandate to ensure the voters agreed to the Liberal government’s plan to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Trudeau, 49, betting that high vaccination rates for viruses – around 64% of the country’s population are fully vaccinated – and the post-pandemic economic rebound will help him extend and strengthen his grip on power.
“The decision made by your current government will define the future of your children and grandchildren will grow,” Trudeau told reporters.
“So in the moment of Pivotal, this consequential, who doesn’t want to say?” Trudeau spoke after visiting Governor General Mary Simon, Representative of the Head of Queen Elizabeth, to officially ask for the dissolution of parliament.
Polling shows the liberals will win the third election in a row but may not return the majority at the House of Commons 338 seats.
Trudeau currently only has a minority of seats, making it depend on other parties to rule.
Nationally, the liberals will win 35% of the vote, compared to 30% for conservatives and 19% for the new Democrats who lean left, leger marketing polls showed on August 12.
Liberals spend a lot of subsidies to be limited by businesses and individual damage from Covid-19, sending national debt deficits and budgets to record the highest.
Conservative right-center, Liberal’s biggest rival, said expenditure will increase if Trudeau wins again, leaving the generation of Canadians understood.
With the majority of Parliament, Trudeau will have a free hand to follow up with its policy priority which states fighting climate change and supporting those who suffer the most during a pandemic.
Nanos Nik Nanos pollster Research said liberals had no choice but to go to elections now, note that the longer they waited, more and more the risks they faced from the fourth wave of Coronavirus.
“They saw the window and they would shoot for the window before bad news came out, before there was another variant or before the bill appeared for a full fee against the pandemic,” he said in an interview.
Bank of Canada last month painted an optimistic picture towards growth towards the second half of this year.
But the bond market has indicated that Canada’s economic growth rate can slow down because the cases of Delta variants rose in the United States, their largest trading partners, and in several other major export markets.
‘The risky situation of the former Prime Minister of the former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, first won the majority in 2015.
But in the 2019 elections, after photos of tens of years old black face appeared, he appeared short majority.
Other minority administration will make it possible to rely on new Democrats once again, which even supports heavier expenditure for social programs.
It will also raise questions about Trudeau’s future as the party leader.
Without a strong opponent to carry out the train in this election, as the struggle for the main conservative opposition, the liberals worried that voting can divide and hand it over to other minority governments.
Some liberals question the need for early elections, said that even though Trudeau complained about the obstruction of opposition parties, he made it through most of the laws proposed by liberals.
“This is a risky situation to do elections when you don’t need,” said Peter Donolo, a political strategist at Hill + Knowlton Strategies and Director of Communication for the former Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien.

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