Trump pointed to a block of federal federal vaccine workers – News2IN

Trump pointed to a block of federal federal vaccine workers

Trump pointed to a block of federal federal vaccine workers
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The US judge in Texas issued a national order on Friday forbade the federal government of the requirements of President Joe Biden that federal workers without medical or religious exclusion qualifications were vaccinated for Covid-19.
Judge Jeffrey Brown, who was appointed to the District Court for the South Texas district at the time – President Donald Trump, decided that the opponents of Biden Vaccination for federal employees tended to succeed in the requirements and block the government.
Biden announced in September that more than 3.5 million federal workers were asked to undergo vaccination, without the option to be tested regularly, unless they ensure an approved medical or religious exception.
Requirements began in November, when the White House said more than 95 percent of federal workers were in accordance with Biden’s mandate both vaccinated or by asking for exceptions – and 92 percent were vaccinated.
Those who are not in accordance with the policy are called counseling and can be ended with executive orders signed by Biden.
Brown wrote that the problem was whether the President “can, with a pen stroke and without Congress input, requires millions of federal employees to undergo medical procedures as their work requirements”.
He added, “That, under current legal conditions recently revealed by the Supreme Court, is the bridge too far.” The lawsuit was carried by the Feds Group for medical freedom.

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