Trump raises big money at the beginning of 2021, but doesn’t spend much a lot – News2IN

Trump raises big money at the beginning of 2021, but doesn’t spend much a lot

WASHINGTON: The fundraising group run by former President Donald Trump collected $ 62 million in the first half of this year but only spent $ 3 million, with the biggest piece of money that went to the pro-trump research center and more than $ 65,000 for its own hotels , According to federal records published on Saturday.
Trump, a republican, established the Save America Committee in November shortly after losing the president’s election to Democratic Joe Biden.
Under the rules of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the committee has extensive concessions in how it can use the money.
Submission with FEC shows Save America contributed $ 1 million in June to the Institute for America’s first policy, non-profit run by veteran of its government.
The leadership of this group included Brooke Rollins, who led the White House Domestic Policy Board under Trump, and Larry Kudlow, who led the National Economic Council of Trump.
The money spent at Trump Hotel is described as an inn or food which includes, according to Save America’s filing.
Other Trump-controlled committees, previous campaign accounts are now known as Brake America again PAC, spent additional $ 13 million in the first half of this year, mostly to cover legal costs and Trump’s efforts to reverse November election losses, according to separate FEC archiving.
Together, the two committees carry a large portion of almost $ 82 million that the Trump office said he helped improve between January and June.
The Committee affiliated with Trump ended the period with cash almost $ 102 million, the number that could help the former president have a considerable influence ahead of next year’s election when the Republican Party hopes to win the Congress control.
Democrats have a narrow majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate A.S.
But while Trump was the top fundraising of his party and continued to increase large quantities for the Republican National Committee, his committee did not give money to political candidates during the first half of this year.
A spokesman for his office said $ 5,000 checks were sent in July to the candidates who have been supported.
Details about the contribution are expected in FEC submission at the end of the year.
Many of Trump candidates have supported, especially those who challenge the Republic of Indonesia or look for open seats, lag far behind their opponents in fundraising.
Kelly Tshubaka, who was supported by Trump, who challenged the Senator Senator of the Republic of Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, had around $ 2 million in his campaign bank account at the end of June than Murkowski.
Republicans will face democratic slate well funded in next year’s election.
Democrats collected more than $ 373 million in online contributions in the first six months of this year through Actblue, the party’s dominant payment processor, according to the disclosure submitted on Saturday.
It exceeded $ 258 million that Republicans increased during the same period through their online payment processor won.

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