Tweet Nawab Malik in Sameer Wankhede comes from malice but no blanket gag order: Bombay HC – News2IN

Tweet Nawab Malik in Sameer Wankhede comes from malice but no blanket gag order: Bombay HC

Tweet Nawab Malik in Sameer Wankhede comes from malice but no blanket gag order: Bombay HC
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Monday refused to impose the blanket command against the Maharashtra Cabinet Minister Nawab Malik to hold him from making a public statement or post-tweet targeting director Zonal NCB Sameer Wankhede.
Judge Madhav Jamdar, however, said Prima Facie (in advance), Tweet Malik against Wankhede has been going on from hatred and personal hostility.
However, because Wankhede was a government officer and the allegations made against him by Malik were related to activities related to the public task of Zonal NCB director, the Minister could not be fully prohibited from making a statement against him, the judge said.
However, the Minister for the next, must make a statement against Wankhede or his family only after “verification of reasonable facts,” HC said.
HC judgment comes in temporary prayer for such orders sought by Father Wankhede Dnyandev.
Malik has accused Sameer Wankhede, currently posted in Mumbai, a Muslim born and has secured the work of the central government who claimed to belong to the scheduled caste.
Wankhede’s father, Dnyandev has filed a defamation lawsuit against Malik earlier this month in HC, looking among other things, that the minister was detained from posting a statement of slander and his family on social media.
Dnyandev Wankhede has also searched for damage worth Rs 1.25 Crore.
Sameer Wankhede and his family have repeatedly denied all the allegations made by the Minister of State.

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