Twitchers Cheer Sighting of Large Birds – News2IN

Twitchers Cheer Sighting of Large Birds

Twitchers Cheer Sighting of Large Birds
Written by news2in

Gurgaon: A Monsone Abundant and Buddera’s Boggy Fields have now appeared as a winter house for migration flocks, including rare gray ploan and gray-headed lapwing.
Remote migrants, gray plirls are known to be breed in Russia during the summer and along the coastline in the winter months and are unusual for the Delhi-NCR plains.
“Gray plovers are usually not traveling to this section, so their sightings are very pleasant.
Lapwing gray-headed, also rarely seen in this region, looks,” said Nikhil Devasar from Delhi Bird Society (DBS) to Ti.
On Sunday, a 15-odd birders birders from DBS also saw 80 species of birds in Buddier and regions side by side with Chandu.
According to Birder Ashima Kumar, the Buddera area is a low-lying agriculture.
“This time, because of unprecedented rainfall at the end of October, the whole place was underwater and had become a paradise for migratory birds,” Kumar, who was part of the DBS team, said.
“Only a few minutes on the site and we saw gray-headed lapwing.
These birds, more generally in China, flying to the northeastern part of India during the winter.
We are very lucky to see it today.
When the team takes a single track road ending In the field and go further down, we see the water full of coins, greylag goose, shelduck, shovel, duck spot bills, grebes, black alkes, and black-tailed Godwits, among others, in the middle of this big trial is a small bird – Plued gray, “Kumar added.
According to the DBS team, Budhera may dismiss the pit for Gray PLAU.
“Gray plovers have been known to land on freshwater wetlands even though they cannot last long and have to find their way into the coastal mud,” Kumar said, adding that Budhora, unprotected land that accommodates thousands of winter birds, is home important for migrants.
“Even though the birds are still walking here every winter, the area is reduced, a universal story throughout the world.” Among other species seen include scaly munias, sparrow houses, Bush Pied chat, black breasted weavers, Ashy Prinia, Warblers, red led bun, Shrikes, Black Drongo, Common and Pied Starlings.

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