Two, including minor, ordered to tie crackers to the dog’s tail – News2IN

Two, including minor, ordered to tie crackers to the dog’s tail

Two, including minor, ordered to tie crackers to the dog's tail
Written by news2in

Nagpur: The ugly prank of the cracker binder to the tail of a dog proved expensive for two teenagers, including minors, after the police acknowledged the incident after the intervention of animal lovers and NGOs.
Both of them were rounded out by the Koradi police on Monday.
The police asked a veterinarian from the Koradi Animal Hospital in Mahadula to conduct a medical test of the canines after taking him to the Corordination Police Station.
Veterinarians did not find injuries on fangs living in front of a teenage residence.
The material came forward after a video of atrocities became a viral on social media encouraged two dog lovers, Bodhane and Ashish Kohole, to approach the koradi, to approach the police’s prisoners as seen in the video, Barai and his friend binding crackers in the dog’s tail may play jokes.
The police claimed that the defendant also asked to go to the Videograph episode which later became a viral.
In the video, Kanin who is obediously looks petrified with an unknown object that is tied to its tail.
When children tie crackers and dilute them, dogs are just trying to reject it carefully because of their acquaintances with family members torture.
“The action against the defendant is needed because such a cruelty instances increase.
Most cases do not come to the police station and in some cases the action does not start,” he said.
Senior Inspector Krishna Shinde from the Koradi police station said the dog was handed over to Father Barai when their family took care of him.
“The dog has no injury but strong legal action is initiated,” the inspector said.

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