UAE opened the Israeli embassy after the normalization agreement – News2IN

UAE opened the Israeli embassy after the normalization agreement

UAE opened the Israeli embassy after the normalization agreement
Written by news2in

Tel Aviv: United Arab Emirates opened the Embassy in Israel on Wednesday, located at the New Bursa Building Tel Aviv, in the latest normalization movement under the agreement brought by Washington last year.
The place in the heart of the Israeli financial district highlighted the central role of economic cooperation has played since the UAE became only majority-Arab countries to recognize the Jewish state.
At the ceremony, attended by Israaac President of Israac Herzog, Emirati Ambassador Mohamed Al-Khaja said the opening of the embassy “important milestones in the relationship between our two countries”.
“UAE and Israel are innovative countries, we can use this creativity to work towards a more prosperous and sustainable future for our countries and our territory,” he said.
Herzog called for a “historic agreement” with the UAE for “expanded to other countries looking for peace with Israel.” Israel and the UAE have signed a raft offer – starting from tourism to flight to financial services – for normalizing bonds as part of what is called Abraham’s agreement brought by former government of President Donald Trump AS.
The Wednesday ceremony was held in the lobby of the two-story stock exchange under the embassy, ​​came after Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid made a landmark visit to the UAE last month, opening the embassy in Abu Dhabi and the consulate in Dubai.
Palestinians angry with the UAE decision to build relationships with Israel, which broke out with several decades of Arab consensus that there should be no normalization of bonds without comprehensive and eternal peace between Israel and Palestine.
After the UAE agreement, Israel normalizes relations with Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, according to those who also trigger Palestinian protests.
But Israel and UAE have tried to emphasize the economic dividends offered by normalization.
Lapid told the emirati media last month that bilateral trade had reached more than $ 675.22 million since the signing of Abraham agreed in September 2020.
The seracity of Israel’s normalization was agreed under former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Lapid was a coalition architect who overthrew Netanyahu last month, but had, together with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, vowed to maintain Netanyahu’s policy to pursue deeper bonds in the Arab world.

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