UAE sent 6 Guantanamo prisoners to Yemen in the midst of concern – News2IN

UAE sent 6 Guantanamo prisoners to Yemen in the midst of concern

UAE sent 6 Guantanamo prisoners to Yemen in the midst of concern
Written by news2in

Cairo: The United Arab Emirates have sent six Yemeni prisoners who were first held at the US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and later at the Federation of Arabian Bay, to the country of origin of their Yemen, said the male and government officials said Thursday.
Transfers come amid fears that the former prisoners can face significant danger at home in Yemen, which is mostly unreasonable after the civil war for years.
The people were detained for years in the UAE without charge, their family said.
According to Yemeni officials, Six landed earlier this week in East Hadramawt Province Yemen.
The detainees had undergone rehabilitation when UAE, the official said, added that they would all be released and reunited with their families in the coming weeks.
The official, who spoke with anonymous requirements to discuss transfers with the media, said men would continue to be monitored by Yemen’s security.
The UN rights expert said last year that prisoners who were forcibly returned to Yemen could be a violation of international law.
Experts say the men can face torture or very poor treatment in Yemen.
The sixth is between 19 detainees, 18 Yemen and one Russia, who earned in Afghanistan and Pakistan after the September 11 attacks.
19 has been detained in the UAE from between 2015 and 2017, when the US released it from Guantanamo.
After the release of this week from six, 13 of the original groups remained held in the UAE.
Continuous male confinement violates the promises made by US officials when they are sent to the UAE.
In sporadic telephone calls from an undisclosed location in the UAE, some whispers to their families are as bad as life in Guantanamo, they hope they can return there, the Associated Press reported last year.
UN experts say men have “experienced an arbitrary detention continuously in an undisclosed location,” in Emirates.
Emirati authorities have not commented in public about the surrender and the UAE Foreign Ministry not immediately responding to a request for comments.
One relative of one of the prisoners shared a photo of the first emotional meeting between a prisoner and his son, now an adult, and from two embraces.
But the other relatives remain concerned about the safety of their family members.
His name and the full name of Yemen’s detainees are being held for fear that they might face retaliation.
US law and justice based in US, welcomed the release of six of Emirati detainees but urged the Yemeni government to “continue full care for them to help them integrate into the community and practice their normal life.” Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world has been fired by the Grinding Civil War since 2014.
Torture and arbitrary detention are widespread in secret networks and formal prisons carried out by various factions that control various parts of the country.
The return of Yemen came after Morocco was held for 19 years without charge in Guantánamo to join his family in the Kingdom of North Africa earlier this month.
Abdullatif Nasser, now 56, is the first prisoner at Guantánamo Bay Center to be transferred to his home country detention under the government of President Joe Biden.
Rights groups have been called detention and detention camps in Guantánamo, opened under President George W Bush after the 2001 Al-Qaeda terrorist attack, a historic one of the United States.
There were accusations of torture in the initial question, and challenges for the wealth of military courts there.
Bush’s government and supporters summoned the camp, at the US Navy base in Cuba, it was important to manage international terrorial suspects safely.
Nearly 800 prisoners have passed Guantanamo.
Of the remaining 39, 10 meet the requirements to be transferred, 17 fulfilled the requirements to go through a review process for possible transfers, 10 others involved in the process of military commissions used to demand prisoners and two senior administrative officials.
10 who qualified to transfer from Yemen, Pakistan, Tunisia, Algeria and UAE.

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