Udaipur: Vax drive suspended after sarpanch misbehaves – News2IN

Udaipur: Vax drive suspended after sarpanch misbehaves

Udaipur: Vax drive suspended after sarpanch misbehaves
Written by news2in

UDAIPUR: Health workers complained about misbehaviour of a woman sarpanch and her supporters and alleged that they caused obstruction in the vaccination drive on Saturday at Bedla primary health center adjoining Udaipur city.
The sarpanch reportedly tried to seek backdoor entry for vaccination of her people and when the medical staff refused to accommodate them since large number of people were waiting for their turn outside, the sarpanch and her men created a ruckus at the center.
Sukher police team arrived at the spot, however, the miscreants had left the spot by then.
PHC incharge Jaya Shekhawat said that on Friday too sarpanch Nirmala Prajapat had sought back door entry and brought few of her people who were not residents of the area.
On Saturday, a large number of people from the panchayat had gathered and were waiting for getting Covid shots.
Again, Prajapat and her supporters tried to influence the medical staff and get their people vaccinated out of turn.When Shekhawat refused to oblige the sarpanch, her supporters misbehaved with the incharge and hurled verbal abuses.
The incharge locked the vaccination room and came out while the people were angry to see the vaccination work stopped.
Badgaon panchayat up-pradhan Pratap Singh Rathore spoke to block CMHO Ganpat Chowdhary and requested him to resume the vaccination drive since 200 persons had registered for the jabs.
Later after much persuasion, the health workers resumed the job.
People who had come at the center said that the inoculation drive remained suspended for an hour and people including women and senior citizens had to wait in the sun.
A complaint of misbehaviour has been lodged at Sukher police station and cops said an investigation would be conducted.
Pics- People waiting outside Bedla PHC to get Covid jabs on Saturday.

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