UK began to donate Covid-19 vaccines for low-income countries – News2IN

UK began to donate Covid-19 vaccines for low-income countries

UK began to donate Covid-19 vaccines for low-income countries
Written by news2in

LONDON: UK will this week start giving 9 million Covid-19 vaccines around the world for low-income countries to help deal with pandemics, foreign secretaries, Dominic Raab, announced on Wednesday.
Five million doses are offered to Covax, schemes around the world to ensure fair access to the Covid-19 vaccine, which will be distributed urgently through an allocation system that prioritizes providing vaccines to the countries that need it most.
4 million other doses will be distributed directly, with Indonesia receiving 600,000 doses, Jamaica 300,000 and 817,000 for Kenya among the country lists.
The dosage donated is the collaboration vaccine of the University of Oxford and Astrazeneca, made by Oxford Biomedica in Oxford and packed in Wrexham, North Wales.
“The British sends nine million doses of astrazeneca vaccine, the first batch of 100 million doses that we promised, to get the most vulnerable part of a vaccinated world as a problem of urgency,” said Raab.
“We do this to help the most vulnerable, but also because we know we will not be safe until everyone is safe,” he said.
This marked the first stage of the 100 million prime minister vaccines, Boris Johnson, promised that England would share in the next year at the G-7 summit last month in Cornwall, with 30 million which will be sent at the end of the year.
Foreign offices, Commonwealth and Development (FCDO) said at least 80 million from 100 million doses would go to Covax, with the rest going to countries directly.
“This is a global and covid-19 pandemic vaccine is the best way to protect people and prevent the emergence of new variants.
We want to ensure developing countries can build defense walls against our virus through our vaccine launch,” said UK Health Secretary, Sajid Javid.
“England is one of the biggest donors for Covax and this donation is part of our promise to send 100 million vaccines to some of the poorest countries in the world.
The government has obtained quite a dose for all British residents, the dependency of the crown and foreign regions to support vaccination programs and Our ongoing booster program, “he said.
FCDO said his contribution followed the promise that the leaders of the G-7 were made to vaccinate the world and end the pandemic in 2022.
This week’s placement aims to help meet the urgent needs for vaccines around the world, including in Africa, South Asia and the Caribbean, because of the area – This area experienced a high level of Covid-19 cases, hospitalization and death.
Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the vaccine alliance, which is a leading Covax together next to the World Health Organization and the Coalition for the innovation of epidemic preparedness, said: “Britain has become a tough supporter of Covax from the beginning and this announcement comes at an important time.” The demand for global vaccines is far beyond supply, leaving millions of the most vulnerable without condoms, while the coverage of higher vaccines around the world is one of our best shields on new variants.
In this pandemic there is nothing safe until everyone is safe.
“Sir Mene Pangalos, Executive Vice President, Biopharmaceuticals R & D in Astrazeneca, added:” Every day we make progress in our mission to change the direction of this pandemic by providing extensive and fair.
Access to AstraZeneca vaccine.
“We are proud that more than 80 percent of countries around the world have received our vaccine doses, with two-thirds supplied to lower middle income and low-income countries.” FCDO said 9 million doses of Oxford / British branded astrazeneca were donated not needed for domestic launches.
The UK has signed an agreement with Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Cambodia, Guyana, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Thailand and Vietnam to receive up to 4 million doses.
The dose of bilaterally donated vaccines is being transported by the Crown agent, a non-profit international development company.

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