UK’s Johnson faces a call to tighten the restriction of the virus over Omicron – News2IN

UK’s Johnson faces a call to tighten the restriction of the virus over Omicron

UK's Johnson faces a call to tighten the restriction of the virus over Omicron
Written by news2in

LONDON: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday faces pressure to tighten the restrictions of Coronavirus to prevent the spread of omicron variants, even though there are opposition before Christmas.
England reported 82,886 cases on Sunday when the new variant went berserk, with the highest number of infections in London.
“We have 104 hospitalized now based on Omicron, we have 12 deaths,” Secretary Justice Dominic Raab told Sky News.
“There is a lag of time in the data and so we don’t know how bad it is,” he said.
England was one of the worst in Europe by viruses, with 147,128 deaths in this country.
The government has brought steps such as Covid Pass and made mandatory masks in various settings and have given more than 28 million third Jabs people in a race to surpass the virus.
But after Johnson was forced to introduce the sidewalk in mixing in the last Christmas room, he faced intense political pressure not to do the same thing this time.
Last week, nearly 100 members of his own parliament rebelled against harder steps to stop the spread of omicron, assessing them to be too far and sidewalks for public freedom.
There was also a general anger on the claim that Johnson and his staff broke the social blasphemy rules in place last year, holding parties at Downing Street and other government departments.
Unlike in some of the nearest neighbors of England in mainland Europe, there has been no official guidance to limit socialization.
The daily telegraph on Monday reported the possibility of tightening the rules has caused a “heat debate” among the minister.
The Times said that 10 ministers were in Loggerhead with scientific advisors who wanted new restrictions, questioning the accuracy of their modeling.
Health Minister Sajid Javid said the week he did not rule out new steps and Raab on Monday said the steps “always in the review”.
But he said that, with a vaccine, “We are in a better position to enjoy Christmas with people who are loved this year”.

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