Ultra-Orthodox Protest Israel Women’s Prayer on the Sacred Site – News2IN

Ultra-Orthodox Protest Israel Women’s Prayer on the Sacred Site

Ultra-Orthodox Protest Israel Women's Prayer on the Sacred Site
Written by news2in

Jerusalem: Thousands of ultra-orthodox Jews gathered on the west walls in Jerusalem to protest Jewish women’s group holding monthly prayer there in a long-term campaign for gender equality at the location.
For decades, “Women of the Wall ” group has campaigned for the equality of worship on the wall, one of the most holy sites of Judaism.
Israeli religious institutions are dominated by ultra-orthodox, who oppose every change on the site, where men and women Pray in a separate area.
Disputes have been sharpened since vowing the new government in June to encourage Israeli ultra-orthodox parties into the opposition.
A newly elected parliamentary member who is also a reform of his rabbi to bring the torah roll into the woman’s inside opposive the rules that are enforced by the ultra-orthodox administrator on the site.
Police set up metal barricades and deployed in large quantities to resist the protesters of most men, which blew the whistle and sometimes surged back only to be pushed back.
The women carrying a blank coat used for cover the rolls of Tora to protest the prohibition to carry the roll to the section woman.
Anat Hoffman, the founder of the group, said they were “struggling to equality and religious and justice pluralism.” “We cannot read from the Torah in the women’s part of 2021,” he said.
“Why not? Why isn’t it? “Harming the Western Wall.
‘Tweet on Friday distributed by former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Deri asked his supporters to come out” so that heaven forbade this holy place cannot be lowered.
“Gilad Kariv, a member of Rabi and the newly elected parliamentarian from the center.
The Labor Party left, had planned to bring Torah rolls to the site for women to use but summoned her visit on the request of Israel President Israac Herzog, who tried to prevent conflict in the location.
Netanyahu has a shelf plan for the egalitarian prayer room on the wall in 2017 under pressure from ultra-orthodox parties who politically fellowship with him.
The move made adherents of liberal liberal strains of Judaism where most Jews in North America were attached.
Disputes have become the main friction point between the two largest Jewish communities in the world, in Israel and the United States.
In Israel, rabbis Ultra-Orthodox controls Jewish practices including marriage, divorce, and burial, looking at them as their responsibility to preserve traditions that have experienced centuries of persecution and assimilation.
They continued to refuse calls for the reforms of liberals, often consider them two class Jews who ordained women and members of the LGBTQ community and excessively accepted the embodiment and marriage interface.

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