‘Under the Apartment Act, maintenance costs according to the flat area’ – News2IN

‘Under the Apartment Act, maintenance costs according to the flat area’

'Under the Apartment Act, maintenance costs according to the flat area'
Written by news2in

Pune: maintenance costs apply in accordance with the flat area under the ownership law of Maharashtra apartments but not for those registered under the Cooperative Community Act.
The command of the recent state cooperation department related to the community in Pune Selatan has caused confusion among cooperative housing communities with members seeking clarification from the department.
Buildings are arranged by Act Apartments 1970 or cooperative laws 1960.
Digvijay Rathod, Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Community, Pune City Zone, has passed the order of a treasure apartment in Aranyeshwar.
This order is expected to benefit more than 10,000 buildings under the action of apartments in the city and nearly 50,000 in the state.
But it does not apply to 1,2 lakh cooperative housing communities in the state, Suhas Patwardhan, Chair of the Pune cooperative cooperative and apartment federation, to the Toi.
The treasure park residents have approached the district registrar deputy after the state government allowed housing communities to find redressal instead of going to court.
The community has 356 flats, which is 2bhks 180, 24 is 4 bhks and the remaining 3 bhks.
Orders delivered in supporting them said maintenance must be taken according to the area of ​​each flat.
“Since 2015, all owners are charged the same maintenance fees.
We approach the department many times and finally register a complaint on December 7, 2020.
The trial was completed on June 22 this year and the order was released on July 8.
The Garden Treasure Center Committee must implement orders with effects Directly, “said Patil Patchouli Committee member.
Under the Apartment Act, one must pay maintenance according to the percentage of ownership comparable to the general area and pay for square feet.
In cooperative housing communities, land and buildings are owned by the community, not by individuals, and most of the maintenance costs are divided evenly, regardless of the area.
This fee includes funds sinking, repairs and maintenance funds according to costs.
It is in accordance with the cooperative housing community-law model, said Patwardhan.
However, some residents covered by the Apartment Act have been looking for revisions.
Ravindra Sinha consumer rights activist said clauses of 10 actions included the same costs and profits in accordance with the flat area, but clauses 3, under the definition of expenditure, the designation agreed by the association.
“The association can independently frame Byels and decide which costs are distributed by service costs evenly and where other loads such as sink funds, maintenance and maintenance funds and water costs can be charged to the flat area.
Cooperative housing community uses this calculation that can be imitated by the owner Apartment too, “Sinha said.
Recent orders will create more dissatisfaction for apartment owners.
There is already an increasing request to change paragraph 10 of the action of the apartment and make it similar to the rules of the cooperative housing community, he said.
Sunday Sundaresh, an apartment owner of Pashan, said they had 351 units and had decided to continue to charge the same amount per unit mainly for maintenance of facilities and public facilities.
They will create improvements and maintenance of funds calculated proportionally with a flat area.
“Our members feel comfortable with the distribution of equal costs,” said the former chairman of the community.
Yuvraj Pawar, Chair of the Dear Community Welfare Association, said there was a constant problem among the owners.
Their community will submit an amendment in the action of the apartment related to the provisions of the selection, audit, maintenance rules, administrator and nomination designation.
Under ACT Apartment, residents who pay more maintenance will look for more benefits, said Rajendra Chuttar, a resident of Padmavilas Apartments.

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