Unsafe years are: 63% increase in domestic violence, 36% more rape in Nagpur, police data shows – News2IN

Unsafe years are: 63% increase in domestic violence, 36% more rape in Nagpur, police data shows

Nagpur: The maximum murder in the ongoing year, was damaged by the second wave of Covid and related socio-economic complications, hardly had a concrete reason or motive.
Lockdown also did not seem to run good for women, with a 63% increase in domestic violence, a 36% increase in rape, and 14% in cases of persecution.
This statistic was given by Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar on Wednesday during the annual pound-up converment.
About 19% of murders (17 from 90 to November) revolved around last year’s monetary problems, when losing work, unemployment, prolonged holidays in the institution, and other legal effects took victims in the equality of mental and socio-economic health.
Despite the highest actions of the country (63) under the prevention of Maharashtra from the MPDA activities (MPDA) by CP Amitesh Kumar, there was a surge in 1,388 in total cases (22%) compared to last year, until November.
Statistics debated by Kumar on Wednesday showed the biggest 34% (31) killings due to trivial problems or following sudden provocations.
In 17% murder (15 cases), close relatives were involved while drunk brawls caused 11 such incidents.
Crime data also underlines the fact that women are not safe even at home and in the environment.
Of the 216 rape until November this year, 16 was by Kin, 17 by neighbors, and 48 by people who were known to survived people.
About 22% of rape is by known people, 29% (63) are captivated by marriage, while 19% (42) is the fall of a love-bitter relationship.
Beaten by the economic crisis, the trend of getting money through cheating and other violations also saw a burst that led to registration more violations by the police as a prevention.
There were 400 cases of cheating registered until November last year, which rose to 456 this year because the city economy was still affected because some restrictions were charged to enforce the appropriate behavior of Covid.
There is also a simultaneous increase in case of maintenance with at least 20%, various types of robbery of 29% and the same percent increase theft too.
City cyber cells also received around 3,340 complaints.
About 1.090 complaints were completed and RS1.64 Crore recovered.
CP Kumar said locking had brought an increase in criminal activities, especially in and around slums, where the maximum socio-economic turbulence.
“The crime rate is withdrawn and is not permitted out of control even though there are challenges such as increasing drug use, narcotics and consumption of liquor, which is found to be increasing,” he said.
“People have a lot of free time, especially adolescent populations, because schools, colleges and educational institutions are closed.
We have increased slum police, schemes such as ‘Didi Police’ and such efforts to control crime,” he said, adding 90 thugs.
externally in the ongoing year.
Rajesh Rathi’s psychologist said the pandemic had seen the definite impact on human mental health, and various mental health problems had emerged or exacerbated.
“Bereevement, isolation, income and fear loss triggered mental health conditions or exacerbating existing ones.
Many people have faced an increase in the level of alcohol and drug use,” he said.
“Secondary mental illness and increasing use of substances, domestic violence also increased significantly.
Meanwhile, Covid-19 itself can cause neurological and mental complications, such as delirium, agitation, and stroke,” he said.

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