Up: Amit Shah to notify the Vindhyachal corridor project in Mirzapur on Sunday – News2IN

Up: Amit Shah to notify the Vindhyachal corridor project in Mirzapur on Sunday

VARANATION: The minister of house Union Amit Shah will put the stone Foundation RS 150-Crore Vindhyachal Corridor Project (VCP) in Mirzapur on Sunday afternoon.
Shah, who will also inaugurate Ropeway RS 16-Crore, will be accompanied by the Chair of the Yogi Adityanath Minister.
Then, they also tend to offer prayers at Kashi Vishwanath Temple and take stock of the KV Dham project (corridor) in Varanasi before leaving for New Delhi.
Commissioner Division, Mirzapur, Yogeshwar Ram Mishra on Saturday said, “The Minister of Home Affairs helicopter and CM will land at Devri Airport at around 14:40.
From Helipad, they will go to the Vindhyachal temple.
After offering a prayer at the temple, they will do Ritual ‘Bhumipujan’.
After that, they will reach the Inter College government to overcome the public meeting after the inauguration of the ropeway for the vindhya circle and put the foundation stone of other projects.
“Commissioner together with Mirzapur DM Praveen Kumar Laxkar, SP Ajay Kumar and other officials took Stock Helipad, Vindyachal, GIC and also the VIP movement route to check preparation and also direct police forces and paramilitary.
According to Mishra, the construction section of the Vindhyachal Rs 150-Crore corridor project will begin immediately after ‘Bhumipujan’, as 92 buildings surrounding the Vindhyachal temple has been removed after their purchase.
This project will produce space creation for the 50-ft-wide Parikrama route while visitors will get a full view of the holy temple known as one of Shakti Pethas.
The streets that lead to the temple also widen as part of the project.
Increased basic infrastructure and introducing modern facilities, including parking zones, guest houses, shopping complexes, retirement rooms for pilgrims, also proposed.
Shah and Yogi will also inaugurate replaced the first ropeway to the top for thousands of pilgrims and tourists who overthrow the Bukit Ashtabhuja and Khoh Hills times of the Holy Trikon (Triangle) from Vindhyachal.
Ropeway will begin in two phases because of the only Ropeway path that connects the Khoh and Ashtabhuja times in a finishing state.
The second line of Ashtabhuja to the terminal (parking site) is still under construction and is expected to be completed at the end of December.
Director of Joint Tourism (Varanasi) Avinash Mishra said, “Under the Ropeway Project, the first Ropeway line of 199-MT which connects Khoh and Ashtabhuja and second-line 102-MT lines, which will take visitors from Bukit Ashhtabhuja to the terminal (parking point), has Made.
initiated in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model, this project will allow visitors to enjoy the beauty of forest areas between two hills from a height of more than 260 mt.
“Because Shah and Yogi also tend to visit Varanasi and visit the Dham KV Project area (corridor) After returning from Mirzapur, officials intensified preparations in Varanasi.
Commissioner Division Varanasi Deepak Agrawal said that the Minister of Home Affairs and CM are expected to visit KV Temple to provide prayers and examine the progress of the Dham KV project.
Given VVIP’s visit, Police Commissioner Satish Ganesh together with his subordinates examined Sampurnan and Sansech University where Helipad was built for the landing of their helicopters.
He also checked their movement route in the city.

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