Up: Candidates supported by BJP Win 630 of 825 blocks of the pramukh seat – News2IN
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Up: Candidates supported by BJP Win 630 of 825 blocks of the pramukh seat

Up: Candidates supported by BJP Win 630 of 825 blocks of the pramukh seat
Written by news2in

Lucknow: After sweeping the election of the chairman of Zila Panchayat, the candidate supported by BJP has registered a victory in more than 630 from 825 blocks of the Pramukh seat on Saturday, until now.
The development has the potential to armed the Safron Party with evidence to claim large-scale political presence in the countryside in front of the election of high peg assembly next year.
Immediately after the results were announced, the chairman of the Yogi Adityanath Minister told reporters that it was the mandate for the policy of ‘Sabka Tazing Sabka Vishwas’.
Also read 349 of 825 Candidates for Chief Blocks above Selected Selected Collective: The State Election Commission of the State Election Commission (SEC) announced the election of 349 candidates for the chair of the block chairman as 187 candidates took back their nomination papers on Friday.
According to him, BJP candidates – supported candidates contested in 735 seats, while 14 seats were given to Ally Apna Dal (s).
The party also provides support without notice to 76 candidates while agreeing not to involve official supported candidates.
As the result of enforcement, BJP and AD (s) supported by supported candidates is ready for victory at 635 seats.
Candidates supported by the Jamajwadi Party, according to reports, won in more than 70 seats, while Congress supports candidates to manage victory only on two seats.
Independent won around 95 seats.
A day ago, as many as 349 candidates were chosen without removing after 187 candidates took back their nomination papers on Friday.
Polling for 476 of the remaining seats was carried out on Saturday.
BJP has claimed that the candidates supported won without repositioning at 334 seats.
Read the candidate supported by ALSOBJP Sapu Uttar Pradesh Zila Parishad Chief Jovsjust a few months before the election of high-troop assembly, BJP received a shot in the arm when the party-supported candidate won 66 out of 75 seats in Zila Panchayat Chairman election.
When soon after projecting candidates supported by victory in most seats, Yogi Adityanath’s head minister reached the BJP State office along with Deputy Dinesh Sharma and Head of BJP Singh Singh.
The presence of Yogi in the party office raised a lot of curiosity and was seen as a party offer to praise Him for BJP victory in rural polls.
This almost repeated July 3 when Swatantra Dev reached the official residence of Yogi after the party’s supported candidate victory in the election of the Chief Zila Panchayat.
Speaking to reporters, Yogi said that the victory in rural polls was a reflection of the community’s mandate for the policy of PM Narendra Modi ‘Sabka when Sabka Vishwas’.
He said that it was also a stamp on the policy of central and state government and strong legal and order situations in the state.
“Unlike in the previous regime when Anarchy wins and criminals hold wobbly,” he said.
Significantly, the Pramukh polling block was damaged by reports of violence originating from clashes between BJP and Jamajwadi Party workers in various parts of the country.
Read the Alsobrutal Murder from the Democratic Process, said Akhilesh at the defeat at SP Bastionslucknow: Describing the behavior of the government machinery in Zila Panchayat Chairperson of the poll as a ‘abuse of a blatant power’, the President of the Samajwadi Party Akhilesh Yadav on Saturday said that the BJP in power to make ridicule , From the people’s mandate in the poll for ‘brutally murder of the democratic process.
The yogi states that rural development is the focus of the development agenda of the state and rural bodies will contribute slightly in achieving goals.
He said he hoped that the three local bodies of the countryside would further strengthen the Raj Pancayati system.
The Jamajwadi Party, which is a direct contest with BJP, accuses the powerful parties to abuse the government machinery.
There is also a reported violence incident from various parts of the country during nominated paper filing.
SP announced the performance of protests on July 15 against what was called “Killing Democracy” by BJP.

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