Up Cm Yogi Adityanath Lays Foundation of Gonda Medical College – News2IN

Up Cm Yogi Adityanath Lays Foundation of Gonda Medical College

Up Cm Yogi Adityanath Lays Foundation of Gonda Medical College
Written by news2in

Gorakhpur: The chairman of Yogi Minister Adyityanath, placing the foundation stone of a medical college in Gonda on Wednesday, said that each district will soon have a medical college to provide better health care facilities for all.
CM said, “Our government has opened road development in the state as before 2017, both schemes are not implemented or the benefits rarely reach the people.” “Our government not only applies a new scheme but also focuses on their implementation so that the benefits can reach beneficiaries,” he added.
CM also inaugurates / placing stone foundations 144 development and medical projects worth 1,123 crore on that occasion.
Emphasizing the fact that the state government works with full dedication to fulfill purpose, CM says, “We fulfill our promise to build a grand RAM temple and now others claim to be ‘prosperous worshipers’ from the god of Ram.” “The government had previously ignored the development and changed the country to the center of riots and chaos.
Before 2017, the curfew was implemented during the celebration season because the previous government did not respect religious sentiments,” he added.
CM said after 2017, poor people got free rations, power supply, education and health care facilities.
He also highlights enhanced road infrastructure.
He said, “Previously, I used to reach from Gonda to devout in 3.5 hours, but now the distance is covered in just an hour”.
Repeating his determination to work for farmers’ improvements, CM said, “Those who pretend to be ‘sympathizers’ farmers must know that the government has made a payment note of Rs 1.44 lakh crore to more than 45 lakh cane to more than 45 lakh sticks.
Farmers In the state.
“Removing a spicy attack on Congress, cm accused of not doing anything despite being in the government for years.
N “O work that is good for the welfare of the people of the State when Congress is only spoiled in corruption,” he said.
Minister of Medical Education Suresh Kumar Khanna, Minister of Social Welfare Ramapati Shastri, Minister of Habby Sidharth Nath Singh was also present on that occasion.

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